The Message of Obadiah, Nahum and Zephaniah (Bible Speaks Today)
Bridger, Gordon
Publisher's Description
Obadiah, Nahum and Zephaniah are probably among the least-read books of the Bible, and rarely preached. However, Gordon Bridger encourages us to study and apply these three Old Testament prophets for several compelling reasons.
They bring a message from God on the importance of focusing on God, of facing up to sin, of responding in repentance, of looking to the hope of future salvation and restoration. They also hit the real world issues of their day (the seventh century BC)—sleaze among political leaders, national and personal pride, crimes against humanity, and persecution of God´s people.
These challenging books tackle themes and issues, expounded here with clarity and conviction, which are especially relevant to today´s church and world.
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Publication Date
Books of the Bible