Bringing Christ to Abused Women: Learning to See and Respond (WRF Minibook)

Langberg, Diane

$4.06 $6.25
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This resource is produced by World Reformed Fellowship. To find out more visit their website at

Publisher's Description

Violence against women is a growing concern, both in America and around the world. We want to help, but the problem can seem too big, too complex, too overwhelming, or too far away to tackle. Christ calls us to help the helpless, but what can we do to prevent violence and offer hope and help to women who have been abused?

Based on her many years of experience working with victims as a psychologist, Diane Langberg offers a window into what it looks like to walk with someone who has experienced trauma and abuse. Leaning heavily into Christ as the one who fully understands and redeems suffering, she will open your eyes to see both the horror of such an experience and the splendor of the gospel as it creates beauty from ashes.

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  • Publisher
    New Growth Press
  • Publication Date
    October 2013
New Growth Press

Bringing Christ to Abused Women: Learning to See and Respond (WRF Minibook)

$4.06 $6.25
This resource is produced by World Reformed Fellowship. To find out more visit their website at

Publisher's Description

Violence against women is a growing concern, both in America and around the world. We want to help, but the problem can seem too big, too complex, too overwhelming, or too far away to tackle. Christ calls us to help the helpless, but what can we do to prevent violence and offer hope and help to women who have been abused?

Based on her many years of experience working with victims as a psychologist, Diane Langberg offers a window into what it looks like to walk with someone who has experienced trauma and abuse. Leaning heavily into Christ as the one who fully understands and redeems suffering, she will open your eyes to see both the horror of such an experience and the splendor of the gospel as it creates beauty from ashes.


  • Paperback


  • Single
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