Customer Support will be closed Friday, March 28. Orders will continue to ship from our warehouse.


Building up the church through the distribution of Biblically Faithful Books–Kindergarten through MDiv

Books Are Never Neutral

The Westminster Bookstore exists because we believe books are among the greatest tools at our disposal for rooting the Church in truth, shaping affections for Christ, strengthening character and relationships, and ultimately growing our usefulness in Kingdom ministry. Indeed the converse is also true. “How great a forest can be set ablaze” (James 3:5) by a book which contains the serpent's subtle twisting of the truth–indeed, books are never neutral.

Over the last 12 months we've distributed books and Bibles to more churches and families than ever before in our 21 year history. 350,000 resources were shipped to 11,471 zip codes across North America. 68,500 individual orders were delivered. We welcomed more than 1.5M+ visits to our website, hosted 10 pop-up conference bookstores, and served 30 schools with curated book fairs in partnership with Storyglory Kids. As a team we prayed for 857 customers by name during our morning prayer huddle. We launched 84 new titles through our weekly email newsletter, and our subscriber list grew by nearly 15,000 names. 4 new titles were published by Westminster Seminary Press. And overall, revenue increased by more than 18%. Praise God from whom all blessings flow!

If you have been blessed by our ministry, and share our conviction that books are a powerful tool in the life of the church, would you prayerfully consider giving to fuel our continued growth?

Ministry Through Books

As a not for profit ministry of Westminster Theological Seminary, our mission is to distribute biblically rich, theologically robust, and pastorally relevant books to God’s people.

The Most Important Book

There are many helpful books on our shelves, but the Bible is the only one that needs no caveat. The English Standard Version (ESV) is the fruit of more than 100 of the world’s leading Bible scholars, and is our first recommendation for personal reading and study, for private and family devotions, and for teaching, preaching, and worship.

Seminary-Trained Staff

Looking for a recommendation on a certain topic? Interested in starting a book table at your church? Want to learn more about the importance of using books in ministry? From customer service, to marketing, to IT, our staff are seminary-trained and passionate about serving the church through the distribution of books.

Storyglory Kids

In an our exclusive partnership with Storyglory Kids we provide logistics and marketing support to serve schools with highly curated book fairs. Storyglory exists to deliver powerful stories of truth, goodness, and beauty into the lives of children, helping kids fall in love not just with good books but also with good ideas.

Email Newsletter

Our goal is to make worthwhile reading affordable for pastors, small group leaders, parents, seminary students, counselors and every reader in the church. We partner directly with publishers and authors to offer exclusive, deeply-discounted promotions. Sign up for exclusive deals on Bibles, new releases, and classics.

Get to Know Our Team

  • Josiah Pettit


    Josiah is the son of a librarian and children's literature professor, the grandson of a missionary-pastor, and the great-grandson of theologian James Oliver Buswell. His role as Director of the Westminster Bookstore and Westminster Seminary Press is basically just carrying on the family business. He loves reading with his 3 boys, playing soccer, and renovating his 100-year-old home with his wife. His favorite book is Tolkien’s Leaf by Niggle.

  • Kyle Whitgrove

    Associate Director of Customer Experience

    Kyle (MAR, Westminster Theological Seminary) is a husband and father of one son and works as the Associate Director of Customer Experience. He is thankful for his church, where he enjoys preaching occasionally and leading a small group with his wife.The Chronicles of Narnia hold a treasured place in his heart, and he enjoys any of the books in theTales That Tell the Truth series.

  • Andrew Colpitts

    Associate Director of Operations

    Andrew (MAR, Westminster Theological Seminary) grew up on a pumpkin farm in rural Maine and now lives in the Philadelphia area with his wife and 2 daughters. He is currently serving as the Associate Director of Operations for the Westminster Bookstore and as a Ruling Elder at New Life Presbyterian Church. He spent many hours as a kid reading and treasuring The Lord of the Rings. These days he loves reading kids’ books that trace redemptive-historical themes through Scripture.

  • Remley Gorsuch

    Westminster Kids Manager

    Remley is a pastor’s wife and mother of two who grew up on the plains of Texas, the city streets of Seoul, and the mountains of Montana. She is the Westminster Kids Manager, helping curate the books and blog on the Westminster Kids site. She grew up reading biographies and fiction under the covers with a booklight after getting tucked into bed and currently loves to read The Wingfeather Saga, Christian Biographies for Young Readers, or books from the Tales That Tell the Truth series to her kids.

  • Alfie Ariwi

    Operations and Events Manager

    Alfie (MAR, Westminster Theological Seminary) is a husband and father of two. He has lived on four continents and is currently based in Philadelphia where he works with the Bookstore’s Operations and Events teams. Alfie also serves his local congregation leading the AV team and as a preacher. His favorite children’s authors are R.C. Sproul, C.S. Lewis, and Ezra Jack Keats.

  • Faith Chang

    Westminster Kids and Customer Support Assistant

    Faith (Cert. Christian Studies, Westminster Theological Seminary) grew up in NY reading wherever she went–in the car, on the sidewalk, and riding the train or ferry. Nowadays, she reads and writes from Staten Island where her husband pastors, and is the author of Peace over Perfection. She loves that her four kids also love books. Together they enjoy C.S. Lewis, Roald Dahl, Eric Carle, Sally Lloyd-Jones, and S.D. Smith.

  • Christine Park

    Customer Support Specialist

    Christine is a born and raised Jersey girl and proud of it. When not working at WTS Books on the Customer Support Team, she works as a pastoral assistant, serving the women’s and music ministries at The Church Gathered and Scattered in Teaneck, New Jersey. Christine is also a student at RTS NYC, pursuing a Masters in Biblical Studies. She loves and is passionate about serving the church. Christine’s all time favorite books are all seven books ofThe Chronicles of Narnia series.

  • Juan Estevez

    Customer Support Specialist

    Juan (B.A., Reformation Bible College) is a full-time student at Westminster Theological Seminary pursuing an MDiv. He and his wife Russette have six children. He is passionate about the propagation of the historic Reformed Christian tradition, primarily to those within Spanish-speaking communities as well as children. He and his family enjoy reading Kevin DeYoung’sThe Biggest Story Bible Storybookas well as Marty Machowski’sThe Ology: Ancient Truths Ever New.