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Product Details
  • Cover Type:
  • 196 Pages
  • Publisher: InterVarsity Press
  • Publication Date: July 2006

A Clear and Present Word: The Clarity of Scripture, Vol. 21 (New Studies in Biblical Theology)

Thompson, Mark D.

Pricing details
$25.99 MSRP

Publisher's Description

By almost any measure, a bold and confident use of the Bible is a hallmark of Christianity. Underlying such use are a number of assumptions about the origin, nature and form of the biblical literature, concerning its authority, diversity and message.

However, a lack of confidence in the clarity or perspicuity of Scripture is apparent in Western Christianity. Despite recent, sophisticated analyses, the doctrine is ignored or derided by many. While there is a contemporary feel to these responses, the debate itself is not new.

In this excellent study, Mark Thompson surveys past and present objections to the clarity of Scripture; expounds the living God as the Guarantor of his accessible, written Word; engages with the hermeneutical challenges and restates the doctrine for today.

Related Media

Listen to a lecture by Mark Thompson entitled The Transcendence of God and Finite Human Speech.
Source: Moore Theological College Library

Books at a Glance

About the Author

Mark D. Thompson is academic dean and lecturer in theology and church history at Moore Theological College in Sydney, Australia. He is the author of A Sure Ground on Which to Stand. He is coeditor of The Gospel to the Nations.

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Publisher's Description

By almost any measure, a bold and confident use of the Bible is a hallmark of Christianity. Underlying such use are a number of assumptions about the origin, nature and form of the biblical literature, concerning its authority, diversity and message.

However, a lack of confidence in the clarity or perspicuity of Scripture is apparent in Western Christianity. Despite recent, sophisticated analyses, the doctrine is ignored or derided by many. While there is a contemporary feel to these responses, the debate itself is not new.

In this excellent study, Mark Thompson surveys past and present objections to the clarity of Scripture; expounds the living God as the Guarantor of his accessible, written Word; engages with the hermeneutical challenges and restates the doctrine for today.

Related Media

Listen to a lecture by Mark Thompson entitled The Transcendence of God and Finite Human Speech.
Source: Moore Theological College Library

Books at a Glance

About the Author

Mark D. Thompson is academic dean and lecturer in theology and church history at Moore Theological College in Sydney, Australia. He is the author of A Sure Ground on Which to Stand. He is coeditor of The Gospel to the Nations.

  • Cover Type:
  • 196 Pages
  • Publisher: InterVarsity Press
  • Publication Date: July 2006