Get To Know The Holy Spirit - Wes Bredenhof - 9781738272907

Product Details
  • Cover Type:
  • 139 Pages
  • Publisher: Providence Books & Press
  • Publication Date: May 2024

Get To Know The Holy Spirit

Wes Bredenhof

Pricing details
$13.14 MSRP
Christians often ignore, misunderstand, or underappreciate the Holy Spirit and what he does. Since he is God, this ought not to be. In this book, Wes Bredenhof helps us see the Holy Spirit as he's revealed in the Bible, so we can understand and appreciate his person and work appropriately. Get to Know the Holy Spirit addresses many common questions about the Spirit, including his work in the Old Testament, speaking in tongues, and whether miracles still happen today.
Rev. Wes Bredenhof (B.A., M.Div., Th.D.) received the Master of Divinity degree from the Canadian Reformed Theological Seminary in 2000. Since then he has served as missionary to the native people in Fort Babine, BC, and has pastored Canadian Reformed congregations in Langley, BC and Hamilton, ON. He is currently pastor of the Free Reformed Church in Launceston, Tasmania. In 2010 he was granted his Doctor of Theology degree from Reformation International Theological Seminary in Florida.
Endorsements (${ productEndorsements.length })
Christians often ignore, misunderstand, or underappreciate the Holy Spirit and what he does. Since he is God, this ought not to be. In this book, Wes Bredenhof helps us see the Holy Spirit as he's revealed in the Bible, so we can understand and appreciate his person and work appropriately. Get to Know the Holy Spirit addresses many common questions about the Spirit, including his work in the Old Testament, speaking in tongues, and whether miracles still happen today.
Rev. Wes Bredenhof (B.A., M.Div., Th.D.) received the Master of Divinity degree from the Canadian Reformed Theological Seminary in 2000. Since then he has served as missionary to the native people in Fort Babine, BC, and has pastored Canadian Reformed congregations in Langley, BC and Hamilton, ON. He is currently pastor of the Free Reformed Church in Launceston, Tasmania. In 2010 he was granted his Doctor of Theology degree from Reformation International Theological Seminary in Florida.
  • Cover Type:
  • 139 Pages
  • Publisher: Providence Books & Press
  • Publication Date: May 2024