Lectures in Systematic Theology: Doctrine of Man (Volume 2) Nichols, Greg cover image

Product Details
  • Cover Type:
  • 624 Pages
  • Publisher: CreateSpace
  • Publication Date: December 2017

Lectures in Systematic Theology: Doctrine of Man (Vol. 2)

Nichols, Greg

Pricing details
$37.99 MSRP

"You are worthy, our Lord and our God, to receive the glory and the honor and the power: for you did create all things, and because of your will they were, and were created (Rev. 4:11)." Even as we should approach the doctrine of God with profound awe of divine grandeur, so also we should study the doctrine of man with a deep sense of human smallness and lowliness, with biblical humility. We should study man with the perspective that in comparison to God, man is miniscule and laden with moral poverty. We only achieve this biblical demeanor to the extent that we view human life against the backdrop of God’s Being. It is my prayer that the Holy Spirit who wrote this perspective into the Bible would be present with us throughout these studies, and that he would cause a deep sense of the majesty of God’s Being to pervade our view of man. May God write this perspective on our hearts and grant us grace to study man with genuine humility. Only then can we profitably embrace the biblical doctrine of man. Only then can we study the original creation unto the honor and glory of God. (Excerpt from the book)

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"You are worthy, our Lord and our God, to receive the glory and the honor and the power: for you did create all things, and because of your will they were, and were created (Rev. 4:11)." Even as we should approach the doctrine of God with profound awe of divine grandeur, so also we should study the doctrine of man with a deep sense of human smallness and lowliness, with biblical humility. We should study man with the perspective that in comparison to God, man is miniscule and laden with moral poverty. We only achieve this biblical demeanor to the extent that we view human life against the backdrop of God’s Being. It is my prayer that the Holy Spirit who wrote this perspective into the Bible would be present with us throughout these studies, and that he would cause a deep sense of the majesty of God’s Being to pervade our view of man. May God write this perspective on our hearts and grant us grace to study man with genuine humility. Only then can we profitably embrace the biblical doctrine of man. Only then can we study the original creation unto the honor and glory of God. (Excerpt from the book)

  • Cover Type:
  • 624 Pages
  • Publisher: CreateSpace
  • Publication Date: December 2017