The Hunger for Significance: Seeing the Image of God in Man
Sproul, R C
Publisher's Description
Dr. Sproul's classic gets to the heart of humanity's search for personal worth. As he sheds light on daily obstacles to dignity — in home, school, hospital, prison, church, and workplace — Dr. Sproul points us to new ways of loving and serving one another.
"The rigorous pursuit of our day," writes Sproul, "is the search for dignity and personal worth . . . The search for dignity is a titanic struggle, an epic adventure, prodded by a pain that will not go away. Modern man has an aching void." Our search must go beyond the trivial to the ultimate questions of our worth as human beings. We must seek our roots, our origin, and our destiny. The Hunger for Significance guides us in this search, pointing us to the One who alone can provide answers that quench our thirst.
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