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Sound Doctrine: How a Church Grows in the Love and Holiness of God (9Marks, Building Healthy Churches)

Jamieson, Bobby

$10.90 $14.99
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Just how important is good theology? This small, formidable book makes a compelling case that a solid grasp of biblical principles is more than food for thought, but fuel for the heart, and the lifeblood on which the church community lives or dies. Our faith is indeed about much more, but it is also nothing less than good doctrine.

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How do you feel about doctrine?

Whatever answer comes to mind, this book will not only convince you that sound doctrine is vital for living a godly life, it will also explain the essential role of theology in the life of a healthy church.

After all, thinking rightly about God affects everything, from guiding us in practical issues to growing a church's unity and witness.

This short, readable book shows how good theology leads to transformation, life, and joy.

  • Cover Type
  • ISBN
  • Page Count
  • Publisher
    Crossway/Good News Publishers
  • Publication Date
    April 2013

Endorsements (8)

About the Author

Bobby Jamieson is the assistant editor for 9Marks and managing editor of the 9Marks Journal. Jamieson, a member of Third Avenue Baptist Church, is currently an MDiv student at Southern Seminary, and lives with his wife and two daughters in Louisville, Kentucky. He is also the author of the 9Marks Healthy Church Study Guides.

Sound Doctrine: How a Church Grows in the Love and Holiness of God (9Marks, Building Healthy Churches) Jamieson, Bobby cover image
Crossway/Good News Publishers

Sound Doctrine: How a Church Grows in the Love and Holiness of God (9Marks, Building Healthy Churches)

From $10.90 $14.99

Books at a Glance

Read a review from Books at a Glance


How do you feel about doctrine?

Whatever answer comes to mind, this book will not only convince you that sound doctrine is vital for living a godly life, it will also explain the essential role of theology in the life of a healthy church.

After all, thinking rightly about God affects everything, from guiding us in practical issues to growing a church's unity and witness.

This short, readable book shows how good theology leads to transformation, life, and joy.


  • Hardcover


  • Single
  • Dropship Case of 20
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