I'm Exhausted: What to Do When You're Always Tired (CCEF Minibook)

Powlison, David

$4.55 $6.25
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As a chronic fatigue sufferer, life as you once enjoyed it has ceased. Fatigue can be brought on by a myriad of physical, emotional, or spiritual issues. But, whatever the cause, your entire world is now affected by your diminished physical strength.

David Powlison understands how debilitating and demoralizing a constant state of fatigue can be through his own five-year struggle after heart surgery. Powlison encourages sufferers that, unlike the world, God embraces the weak and provides strong, enduring resources through Christ for moment-by-moment strength. Readers will learn to adjust their thoughts and expectations and lean into the steady arms of Christ.

This resource is produced by The Christian Counseling and Education Foundation (CCEF). To find out more visit their website at www.ccef.org.

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  • Publisher
    New Growth Press
  • Publication Date
    September 2010

About the Author

David Powlison, MDiv, PhD, is a faculty member and counselor at CCEF with over thirty years of experience. He has written numerous articles on counseling, many booklets, including Facing Death with Hope; Healing after Abortion; Recovering from Child Abuse; and Renewing Marital Intimacy, and several books, including Seeing with New Eyes; Speaking Truth in Love; and The Biblical Counseling Movement: History and Context.

I'm Exhausted: What to Do When You're Always Tired (CCEF Minibook) Powlison, David 9781935273721
New Growth Press

I'm Exhausted: What to Do When You're Always Tired (CCEF Minibook)

$4.55 $6.25

As a chronic fatigue sufferer, life as you once enjoyed it has ceased. Fatigue can be brought on by a myriad of physical, emotional, or spiritual issues. But, whatever the cause, your entire world is now affected by your diminished physical strength.

David Powlison understands how debilitating and demoralizing a constant state of fatigue can be through his own five-year struggle after heart surgery. Powlison encourages sufferers that, unlike the world, God embraces the weak and provides strong, enduring resources through Christ for moment-by-moment strength. Readers will learn to adjust their thoughts and expectations and lean into the steady arms of Christ.

This resource is produced by The Christian Counseling and Education Foundation (CCEF). To find out more visit their website at www.ccef.org.


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