Saving Grace: Daily Devotions from Jack Miller
Miller, C. John
Begin a Year of Grace–Filled Living Now!
The gospel changes how we live each day. That’s the premise of Saving Grace and the legacy of Jack Miller’s ministry. Founder of Serge and the New Life Presbyterian network of churches, Miller believed that Christians need to hear the gospel by faith every day, and he preached what he believed.
These 365 gospel–saturated selections from Miller’s pioneering sermons offer a fresh exploration of the everyday life of faith. With topics like forgiveness, relationships, temptation, prayer, joy, and perseverance—this daily devotional will help readers to catch Miller’s hope—filled vision for living in light of the gospel.
Includes a Foreword by Paul Miller

Saving Grace: Daily Devotions from Jack Miller
Cover TypeHardcover
Page Count375
PublisherNew Growth Press
Publication DateOctober 2014
Endorsements (14)
“This daily devotions out of the walk of Jack Miller with Christ is one more contribution from God’s practical servant who had a great impact on our lives and ministries in India. I believe it will be of great encouragement to many fellow pilgrims in finding His Saving Grace enough for our journeys.”
See AllIsaac Shaw
Executive Director, Delhi Bible InstituteSenior Pastor, Bible Bhavan Christian Fellowship
“Jack Miller writes: ‘Cheer up! You are worse than you think’ and ‘Cheer up! God loves you more than you know!’ And after reading Saving Grace, I want to add: cheer up, this is NOT one of those ‘of course, I’ve heard it all before’ daily devotional books. If you can reflect on these mini–exhortations and not come out a more effective servant of God with greater joy, you need to read them again!”
See AllRev. Dr. Greg Livingstone
Founder, Frontiers
“Jack Miller was, in many ways, a pioneer. It’s not that he said anything new, it’s just that to many people it seemed new because the message he trumpeted was so old and had been lost for so long. He spoke of grace the way one is supposed to speak of grace: no buts, no brakes, no qualifications, no footnotes. I am forever grateful to Jack Miller for his unwavering commitment to communicate the inexhaustible grace of God to an exhausted world.”
See AllTullian Tchividjian
pastor of Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church and author of One Way Love: Inexhaustible Grace for an Exhausted World
“Jesus keeps on giving us hope to make our own lives overflowing in love, first for him and then for everyone; that we learned from Jack. Left to ourselves, we can’t possibly live with hope in our hard and unloving worlds, but Jesus is there for us. Jack kept on learning that and teaching and living it before us, simply and clearly. The overly familiar gospel became the newest and most beautiful part of our lives.”
See AllD. Clair Davis
“I learned from Jack Miller how the gospel is not just a gate we walk through once but a pathway we walk every day of our lives. And how God takes pleasure in pouring out his power on those who will dare to radically align their purposes with his for the nations. I’ve never been the same, and neither will you if you prayerfully read and take to heart the riches of the gospel found in these pages.”
See AllDr. Steve Childers
Founder and President, Pathway Learning; associate professor of practical theology, RTS–Orlando
“This is a wonderful book. It not only captures the heart of Jack Miller’s cross–centered preaching, but it takes us day–by–day back to the cross. Jack urged us to learn to ‘preach the gospel to ourselves every day.’ I can hardly think of a better way to do that than to wake up in the morning or go to sleep at night with the truth of these readings ringing in our souls.”
See AllStephen Smallman
Author; assistant pastor, New Life Presbyterian Church, Glenside; former executive director, Serge (formerly World Harvest Mission)
“One of the things that has impacted me the most about Jack Miller’s preaching is that he so naturally interweaves our need for spiritual renewal with the expansion of God’s kingdom. That message—the gospel needed to restore my heart is the same gospel that is needed to restore the world—is what first brought me to Serge. In the years that I’ve been the Executive Director of Serge, I have become more deeply convinced sharing Gods love with the nations is intimately linked to how I experience his love as a beloved son.”
See AllBob Osborne
Executive Director, Serge
“Jack Miller was a work of God’s Spirit, and the Spirit used him to change my life. When he preached, he had a way of catching you up in his contagious joy—a joy that flowed directly out of the grace of the gospel. These daily doses of his sermons will have that same humbling, liberating effect. Read them and your life will change!”
See AllCharles Morris
Speaker & President of HAVEN Today
“Okay, I’ll own my bias up front. No one has had a greater impact on my life for the gospel than Jack Miller—no one. That being said, I am thrilled, stoked, fired–up, and many other appellations of joy about the publication of Saving Grace: Daily Devotions from Jack Miller. Finally, many of you who never got to hear Jack preach will get to savor the gospel–sanity, kingdom joy, and missional vision of the man who threw the curtains wide open on Jesus and his grace for so many of us. This book may very well become a contemporary gospel classic in devotional literature. Want to understand more about the radical implications and transforming power of God’s saving grace? Then order Jack’s new book soon.”
See AllDr. Scotty Ward Smith
Founding Pastor of Christ Community Church; Teacher in Residence at West End Community Church; author of Everyday Prayers: 365 Days to a Gospel–Centered Faith
“What could be better than having Jack Miller help us ‘preach the gospel to our own hearts’ daily? This is a treasure of grace in daily devotionals that continually take us from self to Christ—our holiness, righteousness, and redemption.”
See AllBryan Chapell
Pastor, Grace Presbyterian Church; president emeritus, Covenant Seminary; author, Christ–Centered Preaching and Holiness by Grace
“Jack Miller was the most influential pastor and mentor in my life, and, through this devotional, his care for my soul continues.”
See AllEdward T. Welch
PhD, CCEF Faculty; psychologist; best–selling author
“An opportunity to spend a small portion of each day with Jack Miller! What a gift! Reading Jack’s words is like moving from a storm into a safe harbor and resting in the ancient truths of the gospel... words that remind me that no matter where I’ve gone and no matter what I’ve done, I’m loved profoundly by Jesus. Jack ‘smells like Jesus’ and never more than in this little book. Read it and rejoice... and then worship.”
See AllSteve Brown
Key Life radio broadcaster; professor, Reformed Theological Seminary; author of Three Free Sins
“We are simple people. We can truly learn, believe, and do only one thing at a time. That’s why this book proves to be so wise and helpful. It invites you to take in one good thing today. This one good thing, taken to heart, changes you. You become brighter, calmer, steadier. You become more grateful, more purposeful, more generous. Its simply true.”
See AllDavid Powlison
Executive Director, CCEF; author
“When it comes to daily devotional books, I look for short vignettes that are truly personal, yet have a powerful punch from God’s Word. And the book you are holding in your hands does just that. I have long admired the teachings of Jack Miller, a heroic and godly saint of our age from whom I have gained much in my walk with Christ. And now, Jack’s best insights from years of studying the Word of God are collected in this one important volume. If you are looking for a daily devotional that will frame your day in wisdom and godly guidance, this book is for you—I highly recommend Saving Grace!”
See AllJoni Eareckson Tada
Founder/CEO Joni and Friends International Disability Center
About the Author
C. John ”Jack” Miller, PhD, founded Serge (formerly World Harvest Mission) and the New Life Presbyterian network of churches. A pastor, seminary professor, and an author, he wrote Outgrowing the Ingrown Church, Come Back Barbara, Powerful Evangelism for the Powerless, A Faith Worth Sharing, Repentance, and The Heart of the Servant Leader. He and his wife Rose Marie have five children and twenty–four grandchildren. Jack went to be with the Lord in 1996.