Creeds, Confessions, and Catechisms

      Unite Christians around what we believe.

      These historic statements teach us to read our Bible not as individuals, but as a united body of believers past and present. Creeds, confessions, and catechisms are one the greatest tools for simply and precisely instructing believers on how to live out our heavenly citizenship.

      The Shorter Catechism
      The Shorter Catechism

      Westminster Assembly; ed. Lawson, Roderick

      $4.35 13% OFF

      The Westminster Confession: A Commentary
      The Westminster Confession: A Commentary

      Hodge, Archibald A.

      $27.00 10% OFF

      Early Christian Creeds & Hymns
      Early Christian Creeds & Hymns

      Costa, Tony

      $20.90 9% OFF

      Confesión de Fe de Westminster
      Confesión de Fe de Westminster

      Westminster Assembly

      $14.40 10% OFF

      Glorifying and Enjoying God: 52 Devotions Through the Westminster Shorter Catechism
      Glorifying and Enjoying God: 52 Devotions Through the Westminster Shorter Catechism

      Boekestein, William; Cruse, Jonathan Landry; Miller, Andrew J

      $27.27 9% OFF

      The Nicene Creed: An Introduction
      The Nicene Creed: An Introduction

      Cary, Phillip

      $16.36 18% OFF

      The Westminster Confession of Faith
      The Westminster Confession of Faith

      Ferguson, Sinclair B (introduction by)

      $4.50 10% OFF