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How to Study the Bible's Use of the Bible: Seven Hermeneutical Choices for the Old and New Testaments

Schnittjer, Gary Edward; Harmon, Matthew S

$29.08 $39.99
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How to Study the Bible's Use of the Bible: Seven Hermeneutical Choices for the Old and New Testaments by Gary Edward Schnittjer and Matthew S. Harmon is an essential resource aimed at teaching a hermeneutic for understanding the Bible's use of the Bible. Intended for students of both testaments, the book's innovative approach demonstrates how the Old Testament use of Scripture provides resources for the New Testament authors' use of Scripture. The authors provide students with a clear approach to handling the Bible's use of itself through seven key hermeneutical choices organized into individual chapters. Each chapter introduces a hermeneutical choice and then provides several examples of the Old Testament use of Old Testament and the New Testament use of Old Testament. The plentiful examples model for students the need to ground hermeneutics in biblical evidence and provide insight into understanding why the Bible's use of the Bible is important.

  • Cover Type
  • ISBN
  • Page Count
  • Publisher
    Zondervan Academic
  • Publication Date
    October 2024

Endorsements (9)

About the Author

Gary Edward Schnittjer (PhD, Dallas Theological Seminary) is distinguished professor of Old Testament in the School of Divinity at Cairn University. He is the author of the award-winning book Old Testament Use of Old Testament, Torah Story, now in its second edition, and Old Testament Narrative Books: The Israel Story.
How to Study the Bible's Use of the Bible: Seven Hermeneutical Choices for the Old and New Testaments - Schnittjer, Gary Edward; Harmon, Matthew S - 9780310142454
Harper Collins Publishers

How to Study the Bible's Use of the Bible: Seven Hermeneutical Choices for the Old and New Testaments

$29.08 $39.99

How to Study the Bible's Use of the Bible: Seven Hermeneutical Choices for the Old and New Testaments by Gary Edward Schnittjer and Matthew S. Harmon is an essential resource aimed at teaching a hermeneutic for understanding the Bible's use of the Bible. Intended for students of both testaments, the book's innovative approach demonstrates how the Old Testament use of Scripture provides resources for the New Testament authors' use of Scripture. The authors provide students with a clear approach to handling the Bible's use of itself through seven key hermeneutical choices organized into individual chapters. Each chapter introduces a hermeneutical choice and then provides several examples of the Old Testament use of Old Testament and the New Testament use of Old Testament. The plentiful examples model for students the need to ground hermeneutics in biblical evidence and provide insight into understanding why the Bible's use of the Bible is important.


  • Paperback


  • Single
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