The Crucified King: Atonement and Kingdom in Biblical and Systematic Theology

Treat, Jeremy R

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Publisher's Description

The kingdom of God and the atonement are two of the most important themes in all of Scripture. Tragically, theologians have often either set the two at odds or focused on one to the complete neglect of the other. In The Crucified King, Jeremy Treat demonstrates that Scripture presents a mutually enriching relationship between the kingdom and atonement that draws significantly from the story of Israel and culminates in the crucifixion of Christ the king. As Israel s messiah, he holds together the kingdom and the cross by bringing God s reign on earth through his atoning death. The kingdom is the ultimate goal of the cross, and the cross is the means by which the kingdom comes. Jesus death is not the failure of his messianic ministry, nor simply the prelude to his royal glory, but is the apex of his kingdom mission. The cross is the throne from which he rules and establishes his kingdom. Using a holistic approach that brings together the insights of biblical and systematic theology, this book demonstrates not only that the kingdom and the cross are inseparable, but how they are integrated in Scripture and theology."

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    May 2014

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About the Author

Jeremy R. Treat (PhD, Wheaton College) is a pastor at Reality L.A. in Hollywood, California and an adjunct professor at Biola University in La Mirada, California. Before earning his Ph.D in systematic theology from Wheaton College, Jeremy was a pastor for seven years in the Seattle area and earned degrees from Seattle Pacific University, Fuller Theological Seminary, and Trinity Evangelical Divinity School.


The Crucified King: Atonement and Kingdom in Biblical and Systematic Theology

From $19.63 $26.99

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Publisher's Description

The kingdom of God and the atonement are two of the most important themes in all of Scripture. Tragically, theologians have often either set the two at odds or focused on one to the complete neglect of the other. In The Crucified King, Jeremy Treat demonstrates that Scripture presents a mutually enriching relationship between the kingdom and atonement that draws significantly from the story of Israel and culminates in the crucifixion of Christ the king. As Israel s messiah, he holds together the kingdom and the cross by bringing God s reign on earth through his atoning death. The kingdom is the ultimate goal of the cross, and the cross is the means by which the kingdom comes. Jesus death is not the failure of his messianic ministry, nor simply the prelude to his royal glory, but is the apex of his kingdom mission. The cross is the throne from which he rules and establishes his kingdom. Using a holistic approach that brings together the insights of biblical and systematic theology, this book demonstrates not only that the kingdom and the cross are inseparable, but how they are integrated in Scripture and theology."


  • Paperback


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  • Imperfect
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