Saving Grace: An Introduction to the Christian Gospel

Cheeseman, John

$9.00 $10.00
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What is it, in reality, which saves sinners? Who turns the key in the locked door of the human heart? Is it God or man? The answer to this question has profound consequences for evangelizing the world and for living the Christian life.

John Cheeseman shows from Scripture that man’s only hope is in the grace of God, that is, the grace of a God who actually does the saving. Saving Grace is the only answer for those who can do nothing to save themselves-and that means everyone.

This book is a complete revision of a work originally published by the Trust in 1972 as The Grace of God in the Gospel.

  • Cover Type
  • ISBN
  • Page Count
  • Publisher
    Banner of Truth Trust
  • Publication Date
    November 2024

About the Author

John Cheeseman (1950-2017) was a Church of England vicar whose parish ministry in the south of England was marked by faithfulness to biblical orthodoxy and passionate gospel preaching.
Saving Grace: An Introduction to the Christian Gospel - Cheeseman, John - 9781800404816
Banner of Truth

Saving Grace: An Introduction to the Christian Gospel

$9.00 $10.00

What is it, in reality, which saves sinners? Who turns the key in the locked door of the human heart? Is it God or man? The answer to this question has profound consequences for evangelizing the world and for living the Christian life.

John Cheeseman shows from Scripture that man’s only hope is in the grace of God, that is, the grace of a God who actually does the saving. Saving Grace is the only answer for those who can do nothing to save themselves-and that means everyone.

This book is a complete revision of a work originally published by the Trust in 1972 as The Grace of God in the Gospel.


  • Paperback


  • Single
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