The Water and the Blood: How the Sacraments Shape Christian Identity

Emmert, Kevin P

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This Thoughtful Book Explores How the Sacraments Shape Christian Identity in Christ

Our culture today teaches us that we must look inside ourselves to discover our place and purpose in life--we can determine our own identities and express them however we want. This self-centered approach promises freedom and fulfillment, but it leads only to confusion and despair.

In The Water and the Blood, Kevin P. Emmert combats this egocentric mindset with a sustainable solution through Jesus Christ. Emmert explores the depth of Christian identity, which our triune God makes visible through the sacraments of the gospel.

This thoughtful, theologically driven book explains how God uses multisensory elements--water, bread, and wine--to communicate to his people and unite them to the life-giving body of Christ. Readers will be inspired to joyfully embrace the identity they have received in Christ as baptized and communing persons.

  • Offers a Sustainable Solution for Identity Confusion: This book uncovers how a transformative relationship with Christ produces lasting significance and purpose
  • Examines the Sacraments: By exploring baptism and Communion, this book outlines what identity in Christ entails and how it is strengthened
  • Great for Pastors, Seminary Students, and Scholars: Rich in theology, contents from this book will help Christian leaders teach others how the sacraments shape Christian identity

  • Cover Type
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  • Publication Date
    November 2023

Endorsements (7)

About the Author

Kevin P. Emmert (PhD, London School of Theology) is an academic book editor at Crossway and the author of John Calvin and the Righteousness of Works. He is married to Ashley, and they have three sons: Jack, Charlie, and Noah.
The Water and the Blood: How the Sacraments Shape Christian Identity - Emmert, Kevin P - 9781433584992
Crossway/Good News Publishers

The Water and the Blood: How the Sacraments Shape Christian Identity

$8.00 $19.99

This Thoughtful Book Explores How the Sacraments Shape Christian Identity in Christ

Our culture today teaches us that we must look inside ourselves to discover our place and purpose in life--we can determine our own identities and express them however we want. This self-centered approach promises freedom and fulfillment, but it leads only to confusion and despair.

In The Water and the Blood, Kevin P. Emmert combats this egocentric mindset with a sustainable solution through Jesus Christ. Emmert explores the depth of Christian identity, which our triune God makes visible through the sacraments of the gospel.

This thoughtful, theologically driven book explains how God uses multisensory elements--water, bread, and wine--to communicate to his people and unite them to the life-giving body of Christ. Readers will be inspired to joyfully embrace the identity they have received in Christ as baptized and communing persons.

  • Offers a Sustainable Solution for Identity Confusion: This book uncovers how a transformative relationship with Christ produces lasting significance and purpose
  • Examines the Sacraments: By exploring baptism and Communion, this book outlines what identity in Christ entails and how it is strengthened
  • Great for Pastors, Seminary Students, and Scholars: Rich in theology, contents from this book will help Christian leaders teach others how the sacraments shape Christian identity


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