The Dad Difference: The 4 Most Important Gifts You Can Give to Your Kids

Loritts, Bryan; Loritts, Crawford (foreword by)

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What does it take to be a great dad?

The world is full of examples of men who weren't there for their kids. But there are good and even great dads out there, who inspire their children and the men around them to reach for more. How do you become a dad like that—even if your own dad wasn't such a good example?

In The Dad Difference, Bryan Loritts explores the four gifts every kid needs from their dad: relationship, integrity, teaching, and experiences. He walks you through what each of these mean and how to put them into practice. He also shares stories of fathers, including his own dad, who were examples of this to him. Full of biblical wisdom, simple truths, and practical advice, this book will empower you to become a dad who makes a difference in the lives of your children.

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  • Publisher
    Moody Publishers
  • Publication Date
    June 2020

Endorsements (7)

About the Author

Bryan Loritts is the Lead Pastor of the Abundant Life Christian Fellowship of Silicon Valley, California. He is the privileged husband of Korie, and the graced father of three sons -- Quentin, Myles, and Jaden. He is also an award winning author of six books including Saving the Saved: How Jesus Saves us from Try-harder Christianity into Performance-Free Love which was given the Christianity Today Award of Merit, and his newest release Insider Outsider. Bryan co-founded Fellowship Memphis in 2003, and later founded the Kainos Movement -- an organization committed to seeing the multi-ethnic church become the new normal in our world. He travels extensively throughout the world preaching the Good News of Jesus Christ at conferences and events, as well as serving on the board of trustees for Biola University and PineCove Christian Camps. His messages can be heard daily on the Salem Radio Network's KFAX station.

The Dad Difference: The 4 Most Important Gifts You Can Give to Your Kids - Loritts, Bryan; Loritts, Crawford (foreword by) - 9780802419620
Moody Publishers

The Dad Difference: The 4 Most Important Gifts You Can Give to Your Kids

$7.00 $13.99

What does it take to be a great dad?

The world is full of examples of men who weren't there for their kids. But there are good and even great dads out there, who inspire their children and the men around them to reach for more. How do you become a dad like that—even if your own dad wasn't such a good example?

In The Dad Difference, Bryan Loritts explores the four gifts every kid needs from their dad: relationship, integrity, teaching, and experiences. He walks you through what each of these mean and how to put them into practice. He also shares stories of fathers, including his own dad, who were examples of this to him. Full of biblical wisdom, simple truths, and practical advice, this book will empower you to become a dad who makes a difference in the lives of your children.


  • Paperback


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