The Message of 1 Corinthians (Revised) (Bible Speaks Today)

Prior, David

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The ancient city of Corinth was well-known for its prosperity, diversity—and debauchery. Any church planted there was bound to have problems. Indeed, snobbishness, divisiveness, insensitivity, doctrinal looseness, and overexuberance were all too common in the Corinthian church. When the apostle Paul heard about these difficulties, he was grieved because he had founded the church and felt closely tied to it. He wrote them an intense and pointed letter.

In this revised Bible Speaks Today volume, David Prior plainly shows the relevance of 1 Corinthians for our times. Along with clear exposition of each passage and information about the letter's historical background, Prior identifies key principles and applications for today. When we understand the message of this epistle to the Corinthians, all churches may better live out the lordship of Christ in our cosmopolitan world.

This redesigned new edition includes updated language and current NRSV Scripture quotations throughout.

  • Cover Type
  • ISBN
  • Page Count
  • Publisher
    IVP Academic
  • Publication Date
    November 2020
  • Books of the Bible
    1 Corinthians

About the Author

David Prior has pastored churches in Cape Town, South Africa, and Oxford, England, and has served as director of The Centre for Marketplace Theology in London.

The Message of 1 Corinthians (Revised) (Bible Speaks Today) - Prior, David - 9780830814985
InterVarsity Press

The Message of 1 Corinthians (Revised) (Bible Speaks Today)

$29.99 $30.00

The ancient city of Corinth was well-known for its prosperity, diversity—and debauchery. Any church planted there was bound to have problems. Indeed, snobbishness, divisiveness, insensitivity, doctrinal looseness, and overexuberance were all too common in the Corinthian church. When the apostle Paul heard about these difficulties, he was grieved because he had founded the church and felt closely tied to it. He wrote them an intense and pointed letter.

In this revised Bible Speaks Today volume, David Prior plainly shows the relevance of 1 Corinthians for our times. Along with clear exposition of each passage and information about the letter's historical background, Prior identifies key principles and applications for today. When we understand the message of this epistle to the Corinthians, all churches may better live out the lordship of Christ in our cosmopolitan world.

This redesigned new edition includes updated language and current NRSV Scripture quotations throughout.


  • Paperback


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