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The Future of Everything: Essential Truths about the End Times

Boekestein, William

$14.55 $16.00
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In the Bible and the early church eschatology was the fundamental category of the gospel-the kingdom of God has come. But in many years in between eschatology has been moved to the back burner as mere reflection on the future. In this book William Boekestein invites us to reconsider this marginalization of eschatology. Some eschatological vision will shape our understanding of the meaning of human life and missionary calling of the church today, and William Boekestein calls us back to a biblical one.

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    Reformation Heritage Books

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Reformation Heritage Books

The Future of Everything: Essential Truths about the End Times

From $14.55 $16.00
In the Bible and the early church eschatology was the fundamental category of the gospel-the kingdom of God has come. But in many years in between eschatology has been moved to the back burner as mere reflection on the future. In this book William Boekestein invites us to reconsider this marginalization of eschatology. Some eschatological vision will shape our understanding of the meaning of human life and missionary calling of the church today, and William Boekestein calls us back to a biblical one.


  • Paperback


  • Single
  • Pack of 5
  • Imperfect
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