Discovering the Joy of a Clear Conscience

Ash, Christopher

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Conscience is a neglected word that not many of us take seriously. But have you ever considered examining your conscience as part of daily life? What if doing this were the only way to know the joy of feeling clean inside?

Is such joy possible without self–righteousness or even self–deception? Christopher Ash argues that it is, wonderfully possible, through the good news of Jesus Christ. Here is an invitation to rediscover your conscience and what the Bible has to say about it. Ash examines what the conscience is, what a guilty conscience tells us, the choice our conscience presents us, and the conscience's role as a guide, to offer us the pure joy of a clear conscience day after day.

  • Cover Type
  • ISBN
  • Page Count
  • Publisher
    P&R Publishing Company
  • Publication Date
    January 2014

Endorsements (3)

About the Author

Christopher Ash is director of the Cornhill Training Course at The Proclamation Trust—an organization with the primary aim of training preachers and Bible teachers. Previously he served on the pastoral staff of the historic St. Andrew the Great in Cambridge, England.

P and R Publishing Company

Discovering the Joy of a Clear Conscience

From $11.45 $14.99

Conscience is a neglected word that not many of us take seriously. But have you ever considered examining your conscience as part of daily life? What if doing this were the only way to know the joy of feeling clean inside?

Is such joy possible without self–righteousness or even self–deception? Christopher Ash argues that it is, wonderfully possible, through the good news of Jesus Christ. Here is an invitation to rediscover your conscience and what the Bible has to say about it. Ash examines what the conscience is, what a guilty conscience tells us, the choice our conscience presents us, and the conscience's role as a guide, to offer us the pure joy of a clear conscience day after day.


  • Paperback


  • Single
  • Imperfect
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