Team Leader's Handbook: How toHelp Christians Serve Jesus Together

Moore, Dave

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We've all had the unfortunate experience of being in a team with poor leadership. But nobody wants to be that sort of leader, so when we're asked to step up and lead a gospel ministry-where eternal futures are at stake-it can seem pretty daunting.

But you're not on your own. From his wealth of leadership wisdom and experience, Dave Moore shares:

  • why good leadership matters
  • what good leaders do-always, regularly and often
  • practical tips, real-life examples and useful leadership tools.

The Team Leader's Handbook is a highly accessible must-read guide for any current or future leader of a ministry team.

  • Cover Type
  • ISBN
  • Page Count
  • Publisher
    Matthias Media
  • Publication Date
    August 2024

About the Author

Dave Moore is married to Julie and they have four adult children. He became a Christian through public school Scripture and the youth group at a local church plant. After working in IT during the dotcom boom, Dave did a ministry apprenticeship followed by study at Moore Theological College. He’s been part of the senior pastoral team at Hunter Bible Church for over 16 years. He also serves as part of the Ministry Training Strategy movement, lectures through the Timothy Partnership Certificate program, and is the Executive Director of Safe Ministry Check (

Team Leader's Handbook: How to help Christians serve Jesus together - Moore, Dave - 9781922980335
Matthias Media USA

Team Leader's Handbook: How toHelp Christians Serve Jesus Together

$17.99 $19.99

We've all had the unfortunate experience of being in a team with poor leadership. But nobody wants to be that sort of leader, so when we're asked to step up and lead a gospel ministry-where eternal futures are at stake-it can seem pretty daunting.

But you're not on your own. From his wealth of leadership wisdom and experience, Dave Moore shares:

The Team Leader's Handbook is a highly accessible must-read guide for any current or future leader of a ministry team.


  • Paperback


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