Fall 2017

      Textbook Notice: Please, always first consult your syllabus to verify which books are required by the professor for the particular course. At the Bookstore, we try to provide all books that require 50 or more pages of reading. In the event we decide not to carry the title or cannot obtain the title, then we will try to provide a convenient link to either a place where it can be purchased. We also try to provide recommended resources of those titles which we have stock.

      A Reformation Debate
      A Reformation Debate

      Calvin, John


      Modern Search for the Real Jesus
      Modern Search for the Real Jesus

      Strimple, Robert B.

      $12.97 24% OFF

      Heaven: A World of Love (Pocket Puritans)
      Heaven: A World of Love (Pocket Puritans)

      Edwards, Jonathan

      $4.50 10% OFF

      Backgrounds of Early Christianity
      Backgrounds of Early Christianity

      Ferguson, Everett

      $35.89 15% OFF

      On Christian Liberty
      On Christian Liberty

      Luther, Martin


      Five Views on Apologetics (Counterpoints)
      Five Views on Apologetics (Counterpoints)

      Gundrey, Stanley

      $18.17 27% OFF

      Man: The Image of God
      Man: The Image of God

      Berkouwer, G. C.


      Living at the Crossroads: An Introduction to Christian Worldview
      Living at the Crossroads: An Introduction to Christian Worldview

      Bartholomew, Craig G.; Goheen, Michael W.

      $20.90 9% OFF

      Body, Soul and Life Everlasting
      Body, Soul and Life Everlasting

      Cooper, John W.
