You Never Stop Being a Parent: Thriving in Relationship with Your Adult Children
Newheiser, Jim; Fitzpatrick, Elyse
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Source: Institute for biblical Counseling and Discipleship
Publisher's Description
You may have always expected your job as a parent to be done once your children reached adulthood. . . but you're quickly finding out that you never stop being a parent!
Jim Newheiser and Elyse Fitzpatrick ground you in the guidance of God's Word, reminding you that your relationship with your adult children can only be as deep and meaningful as your relationship with him.

You Never Stop Being a Parent: Thriving in Relationship with Your A...
Cover TypePaperback
Page Count208
PublisherP&R Publishing Company
Publication DateJune 2010
Endorsements (9)
“Sometimes these later years can be some of the most challenging for parents, but in this book you will find lots of direction, compassion, and hope. The reader will quickly catch that the authors are fellow sinners and fellow sufferers who speak to us as brother and sister in the Lord. From this humble perspective, several ‘hot’ issues (courtship, parental authority, in–laws, grandparents, etc.) are dealt with biblically, using lots of real–life stories and practical applications to help the reader see how the principles are lived out in real life. The authors stress the importance of relationships giving priority to the parent’s own heart and responses and to the marriage bond. As they flesh out what it means to be loving, faithful, and courageous and to trust God with our children, they continually point us to the person of Christ and all the resources we have as Christians—the Spirit, the Word, the church, and so on. After all this, the appendices at the end of the book again offer important practical helps such as tools for resolving conflicts and sample contracts between parents and young adults. This is one book that every parent needs to have and read!”
See AllStuart W. Scott (M.Div.
Grace Theological Seminary; D.Min., Covenant Theological Seminary), Executive Director, National Center of Biblical Counseling
“Elyse Fitzpatrick and Jim Newheiser have written a very practical book based on biblical principles to help parents of adult children. The style is engaging and the advice very wise. I wish that I had had this book years ago, before our oldest child got married!”
See AllMartha Peace
Biblical Counselor, Author of The Excellent Wife and Damsels in Distress
“Jim Newheiser and Elyse Fitzpatrick have given the body of Christ an excellent treasure in You Never Stop Being a Parent. There is no other Christian book quite like it. With a solid biblical background guiding the principles they share, with practical wisdom from many years of their own in–home and now out–of–home parenting, and with direct but sensitive admonishment for those parents who are struggling to build lasting, godly relationships with their adult children, these two parent counselors have provided us with a great deal of valuable assistance. So as parents of adult children, whether you are frustrated or fulfilled, may this helpful volume bring you much encouragement.”
See AllLance Quinn (M.Div. and Th.M.
The Master's Seminary), Pastor–Teacher, The Bible Church of Little Rock
“This is a wonderful book written for parents who are hurting and want solid biblical answers that speak to the heart. This is not a book on mere parental techniques or behavioral changes. It is a book that takes parents to the foot of the cross and causes them to take an honest look at their own hearts and their parenting. Furthermore, it is not a book on parenting theories; it is a book born from years of the real–life parenting and counseling experiences of both of the authors. If you are a struggling parent, this book will bring you refreshing hope in handling your role from a biblical perspective.”
See AllJohn D. Street (M.Div.
Grand Rapids Theological Seminary; D.Min., Westminster Theological Seminary), Chair, Master of Arts in Biblical Counseling Graduate Program, The Master’s College and Seminary
“The question of how parents should relate to their adult children, who too often have an entitlement mindset while at the same time refusing to take the hard and sacrificial steps to become independently functioning adults, has become a minefield of potential conflict. So how do you cut the apron strings? What does love demand? What does God expect? And how can parents sort through the turmoil of knowing when, where, how much, and how long to help? The authors wisely and humbly guide us through some of the biggest struggles, basing their answers on biblical principles as well as personal experience gained from their own lives and the hours they’ve spent counseling others. This book doesn’t give pat, easy answers, but it does offer hope and practical steps for how to please God that are buoyed with grace and humility. As a parent of five children who are now making their own transition into adulthood, I was convicted, encouraged, and strengthened to do better. I’ll be turning to this book again and again and passing it on to others who are looking for godly counsel as they walk through what can be a confusing season of figuring out how to relate to young adults who are no longer children, but will always be your child.”
See AllBrad Bigney (M.Div.
Columbia Biblical Seminary), Senior Pastor, Grace Fellowship Church, Florence, KY
“Jim Newheiser and Elyse Fitzpatrick have given the church a Christ-centered, biblically and practically wise book, seasoned with rich experience as counselors and parents. Although books on parenthood seem to never end, here is a unique contribution that deals with an issue that is by and large ignored: parenthood and adult children. They cover the multifaceted issues with skill and grace. As a pastor who counsels and a parent of adult children, I am very thankful for this book. I will be using it and distributing it in our church.”
See AllBrian Borgman (M.Div.
Western Conservative Baptist Seminary; D.Min., Westminster Seminary), Pastor, Grace Community Church, Minden, NV
“Wise, compassionate, much-needed counsel for parents of adult (or nearly adult) children. Jim and Elyse clearly present the responsibilities of lifelong biblical parenting solidly within the context of God’s absolute sovereignty. I’m not aware of another book like it on the market today and highly recommend it to all who truly desire to rightly influence their children all the days of their lives.”
See AllCarol J. Ruvolo
Conference Speaker, Author of Bible Studies including No Other Gospel and Before the Throne of God
“A most needed book. I often meet with parents who are seeking direction about how to handle adult children who have spurned the Christian beliefs, values, and standards of their parents. This book will be of immense help. Thanks, Jim and Elyse, for giving parents a biblically based book with solid guidelines for knowing the most God–honoring and helpful way to navigate this valley. May God use this volume to strengthen parents in this situation and help them point the way back to him all the clearer.”
See AllWayne A. Mack (M.Div.
Philadelphia Seminary; D.Min., Westminster Theological Seminary), Professor of Biblical Counseling, Grace School of Ministry in Pretoria and Capetown, South Africa
“I never speak on the topic of raising children without facing the inevitable questions about how to respond to adult children who are struggling with the transition between childhood and adulthood. You Never Stop Being a Parent answers the most frequently asked questions with biblical clarity, wisdom, and insight. This book will help parents to think with clarity about the many issues raised by interacting with adult children. The answers it gives are not only clear and practical, but richly gospel-centered and filled with hope. This is a book I will buy in bulk and recommend to many.”
See AllTedd Tripp (M.Div.
Philadelphia Theological Seminary; D.Min., Westminster Theological Seminary), Pastor, Conference Speaker, Author of Shepherding a Child’s Heart
About the Author
Elyse Fitzpatrick holds a master's degree in biblical counseling from Trinity Theological Seminary and has been counseling women since 1989. She presently counsels for her church at the Institute of Biblical Counseling and Discipleship. She is a frequent retreat and conference speaker. Fitzpatrick co-authored Women Helping Women, a 1998 Gold Medallion finalist; she's the author of over a dozen books including Idols of the Heart and Counsel from the Cross. This is the second book that she has collaborated on with Jim Newhesier. She and her husband, Philip, have three adult children and six grandchildren.
Jim Newheiser is the pastor of Grace Bible Church in Escondido, CA. He holds a D.Min. from Westminster Seminary California and is a certified counselor with the National Association of Nouthetic Counselors and The Institute for Biblical Counseling and Discipleship.