The Person of Jesus: Radio Addresses on the Deity of the Savior
Machen, J. Gresham
Publisher's Description
In his renowned book Christianity and Liberalism, Machen took a stand for the truth. In these radio talks, Machen exposits the truth for us once more—this time about the supernatural person of Jesus.
Includes a forward by David Powlison and introduction by Jeffrey Jue

The Person of Jesus: Radio Addresses on the Deity of the Savior
Cover TypePaperback
PublisherWestminster Seminary Press
Endorsements (31)
“I first encountered J. Gresham Machen's work as an undergraduate student grappling with modern challenges to the Christian faith. I found in him a mind passionate for the truth and a heart aflame with the gospel. Both of these traits shine through in these radio talks from the 1930s. We still need to hear what he had to say.”
See AllTimothy George
Dean, Beeson Divinity School
“Someone said recently that we need 'a new Machen' to speak insightfully to present–day theological confusions. That would be great. But, thank the Lord, the old Machen does continue to teach us. These wonderful addresses speak powerfully–and with refreshing clarity–to all of us today about the living Christ.”
See AllRichard J. Mouw
President Emeritus, Fuller Theological Seminary
“This is a superb volume: clear, lucid, precise, and easy to follow. In each chapter, one must not miss that Machen clearly makes his case for the historical factuality of Christ's identity on the basis of the authority of Scripture. Machen brought the listener–and now the reader–into the serious antithesis between the biblical teaching about Christ and modernism's teaching about Christ.His sharp, contrasting arguments will always be relevant in the life of the church. Hence, it would be well for Christ's body not to marginalize Machen as a nostalgic symbol. His battle for Christian truth uncovers the folly of those growing increasingly flexible toward broadening the doors of biblical orthodoxy.”
See AllWilliam D. Dennison
Professor of Interdisciplinary Studies, Covenant College
“In J. Gresham Machen, God gave the church an inimitable champion of biblical orthodoxy and gospel clarity. This book will show you why Machen is one of American evangelicalism's most important 20th–century thinkers. More to the point, this book will ground you firmly in what it means to see in the face of Jesus Christ the grace and truth and glory of God.”
See AllRussell Moore
President, Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention
“In these seven brief lectures, Machen follows the main spine of Christian truth....The Person of Jesus is Machen's reminder to the church of who we are–a reminder we needed then, and that we need still. In these lectures, the mists of mysticism melt away, and the simple, elegant, profound truths of the Bible appear.”
See AllMark Dever
Senior Pastor, Capital Hill Baptist Church,Washington, D.C.
“While these addresses, delivered by J. Gresham Machen in 1935, were important in their own time, they are perhaps even more urgent and necessary today. What more important topic is there than the person and work of Christ? Machen, a first–rate scholar, knew how to take the case to the people–and here he does exactly that.”
See AllStephen J. Nichols
Chief Academic Officer, Ligonier Ministries
“This is vintage Machen. He is lucid, logical, and unrelenting in defending what Scripture claims regarding God and the deity of Christ versus modern critics who would explain away or diminish those claims.”
See AllGeorge Marsden
Francis A. McAnaney Professor of History Emeritus, University of Notre Dame
“J. Gresham Machen was a man of his times, enmeshed in protracted and penetrating conflict over the triumphant liberalism of his day. He was also a man who transcended his times, because he undertook, with rare learning and clear–sighted understanding, the defense of the faith 'once for all entrusted to God's holy people' (Jude 3). His Christianity and Liberalism, for instance, written almost a century ago, still sounds amazingly prophetic. This present short volume brings together six of Machen's radio talks of 1935, preserving Machen's voice and emphases in an idiom that is more popular than his large books, but no less important. Machen is always worth reading.”
See AllD. A. Carson
Research Professor of New Testament, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
“These popular addresses show the heart of J. Gresham Machen: brilliant, clear, persuasive, calling everyone to faith and life in Jesus. They will bless and encourage all who read them.”
See AllW. Robert Godfrey
President, Westminster Seminary California
“Tight in argument yet pastoral in exhortation! What a treat! The revival of the uniqueness of Christ is to rediscover the gospel for today. The publication of Dr. Machen's The Person of Jesus is an excellent contribution by Westminster Seminary Press, considering that the theological climate in Asia, let alone the whole world, is rapidly growing weak in its grips of who Jesus really is.”
See AllKevin Woongsan Kang
Professor of Systematic Theology, Chongshin University and Theological Seminary
“Dr. J. Gresham Machen was one of the lions of reformed evangelical thought in the twentieth century. His clarity of thought and courage borne of a deep conviction and a personal walk with the God about whom he spoke and wrote suffuses every one of these fine radio addresses....With disarming simplicity they present the most important truths in the world and challenge us all to take them seriously. We need more of such clarity and directness today.”
See AllMark Thompson
Principal, Moore Theological College
“All of the qualities that enabled J. Gresham Machen to make such an important contribution to English–speaking Protestantism–theological tenacity, clarity of mind, readability, and courageous conviction–are easy to see in this instructive and edifying collection of radio addresses on the person of Christ. These talks show once again that doctrine has consequences, with Machen as a superbly gifted guide to the significance of what the church confesses about Christ.”
See AllD. G. Hart
Author of Defending the Faith: J. Gresham Machen and the Crisis of Conservative Protestantism in Modern America
“J. Gresham Machen was one of the best thinkers and writers among Reformed theologians before his untimely death on New Year's Day of 1937....Machen's writing is always crisp and clear, without any compromise of cogent argument....When Machen finishes dealing with an unbelieving argument, I always feel that there is nothing more to be said on the unbelieving side.Even though this work is over eighty years old now, I would not hesitate to give it to someone who had doubts as to the deity of Christ, his miracles, and his resurrection.”
See AllJohn Frame
Professor of Systematic Theology and Philosophy, Reformed Theological Seminary, Orlando
“Almost eighty years after his death, J. Gresham Machen's voice still speaks with clarity and timeliness concerning the person of Christ. In our time, when people question whether Christians and Muslims worship the same God, Dr. Machen's cogent exposition of Scripture in these radio addresses from 1935 provides needed clarity concerning the triune God and the deity of Christ.”
See AllWilliam Barker
Emeritus Professor of Church History, Westminster Theological Seminary
“J. G. Machen was the towering intellectual defender of historic Christianity during one of the most turbulent periods in American church history....These talks on the person of Jesus, delivered in the heat of the battle, are not merely an important theological voice from the past; they will encourage your faith today.”
See AllFrank James
President, Biblical Theological Seminary
“These gems by J. Gresham Machen are essential reading now for thoughtful Christians. Historians of conservative Protestantism will also greatly benefit from these addresses....In these talks, Machen distills the core doctrines about the person and work of Christ that he fought so hard to defend against the acids of modernity. Listen for Machen's voice as you read these transcriptions. Lend your ear to this man whose apologetic labors hastened his tragic, early death.”
See AllDouglas Sweeney
Professor of Church History and the History of Christian Thought, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
“Sanity regained in a world gone mad. J. Gresham Machen flows with a heart of love for the Lord Jesus. Cool, clear, and fresh as a mountain stream, he bubbles with living water. Doctrinal indifference, a big issue in his day, is the black plague of ours. The antidote to truth decay is his clarity about who Jesus was, what he said and did, and, above all, how he lives and reigns today.”
See AllPaul Wells
Emeritus Professeur, Faculte Jean Calvin
“Many know of Machen's scholarly achievement and powerful support for historic Christianity over modern substitutes. Less well–known is his ability to convey what is lofty and profound in the simplest of terms. This little book restates the Bible's depiction of God the Son in language easy to grasp....Machen's remarks are as timely now as when first uttered. This is a superb survey of New Testament Christology and a powerful invitation to (re)discover the true Jesus, still Lord despite generations of naysayers and the complacency of his church.”
See AllRobert Yarbrough
Professor of New Testament, Covenant Theological Seminary
“Throughout his life, J. Gresham Machen wrestled with questions over the relationship between history and faith, between Jesus and Paul. Here in these radio addresses, we have his warm and winsome answers to those questions....It is a great gift to the church that these radio addresses are now being published; take up and read–be refreshed and strengthened in our common faith.”
See AllSean Michael Lucas
Professor of Church History, Reformed Theological Seminary, Jackson
“These addresses on the person of Christ were forged long ago in the furnace of debate. They are, however, as fresh today, and as compelling, as they were when they were first delivered. Machen speaks with clarity, conviction, a matchless command of the subject, and with the wind of historic Christianity behind him.”
See AllDavid Wells
Distinguished Research Professor, Gordon–Conwell Theological Seminary
“Dr. Machen's talks are timeless, though set in the swirling currents of his day, because the Christ he described, the Christ revealed in the Scriptures by the Spirit, rises above time. His learned rhetoric, his passionate defense of Christian orthodoxy, his love of the Savior and his church make what you will find in these pages a delight to read, a source of spiritual strengthening, and a bulwark against the destructive effects of a contemporary scholarship that continues to denigrate the Creator, Redeemer, and only Judge of mankind.”
See AllJohn Hannah
Distinguished Professor of Historical Theology, Dallas Theological Seminary
“This powerful little book on the deity of Christ fully displays what made Machen great. We see his relentless logic in the clarity of his thinking and the lucidity of his prose. The Gospels leave us no doubt that Jesus Christ is fully God, and Machen demonstrates that any other interpretation falls to the ground.”
See AllThomas Schreiner
James Buchanan Harrison Professor of New Testament Interpretation, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
“This work certainly is a classic jewel. A 'classic' because, even though it dates back to 1935, this book is still fresh and relevant. A 'jewel' because it presents the person and work of Jesus Christ so clearly, convincingly, and appealingly to the reader. Dr. Machen's voice can be heard again and we do well to listen to it.”
See AllHerman Selderhuis
Director, Refo500
“J. Gresham Machen is one of a select band of Christian writers of whom it can truly be said that 'he being dead, yet speaketh.' This reprint of some of his most important talks will be widely welcomed by those who appreciate his strong and learned defense of orthodoxy, and it will make his thought more accessible to a younger generation.”
See AllGerald Bray
Research Professor of Divinity, Beeson Divinity School
“With disarming brevity, Machen bracingly pleads with his reader for true belief in the true King of heaven and earth. I understand why even his theological sparring partner, Pearl Buck, respected her orthodox opponent so profoundly. Machen is clearly a spiritual gentleman, a worthy scholar, and a tender shepherd....Machen may well have no peer when it comes to clear, direct, and stirring expositional and applicational writing. Reader, prepare your mind and heart for a bracing read.”
See AllJoseph Novenson
Senior Teaching Pastor, Lookout Mountain Presbyterian Church, Lookout Mountain, TN
“Dr. Machen's radio addresses on Christ, uttered over eighty years ago, are astonishingly contemporary when read today....To get maximum benefit from this book, read one address per day praying your way through it for worldwide reformation and revival today.”
See AllJoel Beeke
President, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary
“The life and teaching of J. Gresham Machen are rightly revered by contemporary Christians who prize Reformed orthodoxy. Dr. Machen's compelling voice lives again in the pages of this short book of radio talks on the divine Son of God. As a theologian for ordinary Christians, his clear and concise communication of biblical truth will draw new readers into a deeper and more personal knowledge of the risen Christ.”
See AllPhilip Ryken
President, Wheaton College
“These pages constitute treasure that has been hidden far too long–J. Gresham Machen bringing his incisive scholarly mind to bear on the big issues surrounding the person of Christ. As well as clearly expounding Jesus's identity, these pages excel in dismantling false assumptions, muddle–headed and illogical reasoning, and subtle mishandlings of the Scriptures. The Person of Jesus is simultaneously a superb primer on the teaching of the Gospels and a powerful illustration of how to 'destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ' (2 Cor 10:5).”
See AllSinclair Ferguson
Former Senior Minister, First Presbyterian Church, Columbia, SC
“Here is theology that floats like a butterfly and stings like a bee. In these addresses Machen defends a high and biblical view of Christ with punch and quite stunning verve. Fresh, enlightening, and logically compelling, this is not only good theology but a model of good apologetics.”
See AllMichael Reeves
President, Union School of Theology
“J. Gresham Machen was one of the most prescient and courageous Christian theologians of the early 20th century. During his life, Machen was a clear and consistent voice for Christian orthodoxy and evangelical truth in the face of liberalism. This collection of lectures is a valuable addition to the Machen library. These lectures reflect the heart of Machen's ministry and provide yet another compelling presentation of Apostolic Christianity. Machen's works are as relevant now as they were when they were first written. These lectures are no exception.”
See AllAlbert Mohler
President, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
“When I was in seminary I discovered these radio addresses by J. Gresham Machen in which he offered a highly accessible and popular presentation of Christian doctrine, and Reformed doctrine at that. I was fascinated by the media savvy of Machen. These lucid radio talks preceded C. S. Lewis's famous broadcasts by several years. I have read and profited from them for decades. Their arguments and illustrations have strongly influenced my preaching. I can't recommend them enough.”
See AllTimothy Keller
Founding Pastor, Redeemer Presbyterian Church, New York City, NY