The World God Made

Anderson, Hannah; Anderson, Nathan (illustrator)

$13.63 $14.99
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God gives us all the earth and calls it home.

Celebrating the wonders of nature, this retelling of Psalm 104 invites you to enjoy and explore the world God made. Moving from one feature of the natural world to the next--from the sky and earth to the animals and oceans--the book's lyrical language introduces questions from a child's view. What about when strong winds blow? When birds fly far away? When the night is long? Each uncertainty is met with a truth about God's character to comfort children and give them the confidence they need to explore the world around them.

Hannah Anderson's stirring words are joined by Nathan Anderson's soft, realistic watercolors. Together they have created a book with a timeless aesthetic and readability, one that will resonate with families who celebrate the beauty of nature and the wisdom that comes from the world God made.

  • Cover Type
  • ISBN
  • Page Count
  • Publisher
    B&H Publishing Group
  • Publication Date
    May 2023
  • Ages
    4-7, 8-12
  • Special Considerations
    No Images of Christ

About the Author

Hannah Anderson lives with her family in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia. An author and speaker, Hannah is captivated by the story of creation and hopes to help readers encounter nature with fresh curiosity and wonder. When not writing, she often finds herself running after her golden retriever, Benjamin, or enjoying long philosophical conversations with her cat, Francis. Nathan Anderson grew up on a dirt road in the mountains of rural Virginia. As long as he can remember, nature and art have been sources of solace and inspiration. On a given day, you can find him working in his garden, sketching the details of a fern, or out on a bird walk with binoculars in hand. A church administrator by profession, Nathan has a keen eye for detail and loves to travel. He hopes to eventually visit all seven continents in the world God made.
Broadman and Holman Publishers

The World God Made

$13.63 $14.99

God gives us all the earth and calls it home.

Celebrating the wonders of nature, this retelling of Psalm 104 invites you to enjoy and explore the world God made. Moving from one feature of the natural world to the next--from the sky and earth to the animals and oceans--the book's lyrical language introduces questions from a child's view. What about when strong winds blow? When birds fly far away? When the night is long? Each uncertainty is met with a truth about God's character to comfort children and give them the confidence they need to explore the world around them.

Hannah Anderson's stirring words are joined by Nathan Anderson's soft, realistic watercolors. Together they have created a book with a timeless aesthetic and readability, one that will resonate with families who celebrate the beauty of nature and the wisdom that comes from the world God made.


  • Hardcover


  • Single
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