Pierce Taylor Hibbs

Pierce Taylor Hibbs (MAR, ThM, Westminster Theological Seminary) has a background in professional writing and theology and is the author of many books. He currently serves as Senior Writer & Director of Content for Westminster Media. Pierce and his wife, Christina, love reading books aloud to their three kids and sharing in the joy of “traveling through tales.” He often writes articles and book reviews for Westminster Kids. His favorite children’s authors include C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, George MacDonald, and Andrew Peterson.

More by Pierce Taylor Hibbs

  • Imagine the Bible

    Imagine the Bible

    Teach your kids to imagine the Bible. You will both be more excited about God’s living word because of it.

    Pierce Taylor Hibbs | May 23, 2024

  • Cultivating a Love for Reading

    Cultivating a Love for Reading

    With persistence and enthusiasm, you can cultivate a love of reading in your kids. And that’s going to serve them in more ways than you can count. 

    Pierce Taylor Hibbs | September 16, 2022