Goldensun: Anasius Trilogy (Book 3) - Castro, Rich - 9781916669093
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Product Details
  • Cover Type:
  • 288 Pages
  • Publisher: 10Publishing
  • Publication Date: April 2024

Goldensun: Anasius Trilogy (Book 3)

Castro, Rich

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$14.99 MSRP
When high-ranking Anasiun officials start mysteriously falling ill, Xci1, the King, knows that danger looms over his country once more. From their English homes, the seven friends are dropped again into Anasius, but it’s the worst possible moment for Joe and Kia. A perilous mission into the heart of enemy territory now rises between them and an urgent conversation. Meanwhile, a thirteen-year-old Turonian girl with short blonde hair picks up her rifle…
Rich Castro has been involved in youth work for 30 years, including nearly 20 years teaching in the private sector. He has a Master of Divinity degree from Reformed Theological Seminary, Florida.
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When high-ranking Anasiun officials start mysteriously falling ill, Xci1, the King, knows that danger looms over his country once more. From their English homes, the seven friends are dropped again into Anasius, but it’s the worst possible moment for Joe and Kia. A perilous mission into the heart of enemy territory now rises between them and an urgent conversation. Meanwhile, a thirteen-year-old Turonian girl with short blonde hair picks up her rifle…
Rich Castro has been involved in youth work for 30 years, including nearly 20 years teaching in the private sector. He has a Master of Divinity degree from Reformed Theological Seminary, Florida.
  • Cover Type:
  • 288 Pages
  • Publisher: 10Publishing
  • Publication Date: April 2024