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Last Things First: Unlocking Genesis 1-3 with the Christ of Eschatology

Fesko, John V.

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Table of Contents | Preface |Introduction

Publisher Description:

We think that we know the first three chapters of the Bible well — ‘Creation and the Fall–, we say, knowingly.

But have we ever stopped to consider that Jesus in the book of Revelation is called ‘the last Adam’ and the ‘Alpha & Omega?’ Should this make a difference to how we look at the first three chapters of Genesis?

Dr. John Fesko says that it does and that without seeing Christ and the end days, we cannot understand the first days.

Over the controversies that surround these first three chapters he says ‘there are many theologians who represent different schools of thought. Is there a better way to approach the opening chapters of Genesis in spite of the debate? The answer to that question is an unqualified, ‘Yes’... The way through the impasse is to interpret Genesis in the manner presented in the New Testament. More specifically, one must interpret Genesis 1-3 in the light of Christ and Eschatology.’

By doing this, he is able to explain this important portion of scripture from a holistic Christological viewpoint, one that is consistent throughout scripture. If you are tangled up on origins in Genesis then this may be your way through the maze.

  • Cover Type
  • ISBN
  • Publisher
    Christian Focus
  • Publication Date
    March 2007
  • Books of the Bible

Endorsements (3)

About the Author

Dr. J. V. Fesko is an Adjunct Professor in Systematic Theology at Reformed Theological Seminary in Atlanta. His Ph.D. in Theology is from the University of Aberdeen in Scotland. He has a MA in Theology from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Fort Worth, TX and a BA from Georgia State University. In addition to teaching at RTS, Dr. Fesko is the pastor at Geneva Orthodox Presbyterian Church in Marietta, Georgia.

Christian Focus [Bookmasters]

Last Things First: Unlocking Genesis 1-3 with the Christ of Eschatology

From $20.94 $23.99
Download a PDF version of sample pages:

Table of Contents | Preface |Introduction

Publisher Description:

We think that we know the first three chapters of the Bible well — ‘Creation and the Fall–, we say, knowingly.

But have we ever stopped to consider that Jesus in the book of Revelation is called ‘the last Adam’ and the ‘Alpha & Omega?’ Should this make a difference to how we look at the first three chapters of Genesis?

Dr. John Fesko says that it does and that without seeing Christ and the end days, we cannot understand the first days.

Over the controversies that surround these first three chapters he says ‘there are many theologians who represent different schools of thought. Is there a better way to approach the opening chapters of Genesis in spite of the debate? The answer to that question is an unqualified, ‘Yes’... The way through the impasse is to interpret Genesis in the manner presented in the New Testament. More specifically, one must interpret Genesis 1-3 in the light of Christ and Eschatology.’

By doing this, he is able to explain this important portion of scripture from a holistic Christological viewpoint, one that is consistent throughout scripture. If you are tangled up on origins in Genesis then this may be your way through the maze.


  • Paperback


  • Single
  • Imperfect
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