A Plain and Scriptural View of Baptism

Baker, Daniel

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Who should be baptized—professing believers only, or professing believers and their non-professing children? In what way should they be baptized— by being dipped under water, or by having water put on them by pouring or sprinkling? As the gospel of Jesus Christ spread across the American frontier in the 19th century, these questions were much disputed— as they are today. Daniel Baker, a Presbyterian evangelist in the 19th century, was used mightily by God to draw many of His elect to Himself. In this short work he offers succinct and clear answers in a straight-forward, simple, and eminently Scriptural manner. Readers of A Plain and Scriptural View of Baptism will gain a better understanding of the doctrine of baptism, specifically why the baptism of infants and baptism by modes other than immersion are in accord with God’s word.

  • Cover Type
  • ISBN
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  • Publisher
    Log College Press
  • Publication Date
    January 2024

Endorsements (3)

About the Author

Daniel Baker (1791-1857) was a Presbyterian pastor and evangelist. Originally form Midway, Georgia, he graduated from Princeton College in 1815 and then studied theology with William Hill in Virginia. His ministry traversed the American South, and his gospel preaching was instrumental in the conversion of over two thousand people. His last seventeen years were spent in Texas, where he founded Austin College in Huntsville, TX.

A Plain and Scriptural View of Baptism - Baker, Daniel - 9781948102513
Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary

A Plain and Scriptural View of Baptism

$13.50 $18.00

Who should be baptized—professing believers only, or professing believers and their non-professing children? In what way should they be baptized— by being dipped under water, or by having water put on them by pouring or sprinkling? As the gospel of Jesus Christ spread across the American frontier in the 19th century, these questions were much disputed— as they are today. Daniel Baker, a Presbyterian evangelist in the 19th century, was used mightily by God to draw many of His elect to Himself. In this short work he offers succinct and clear answers in a straight-forward, simple, and eminently Scriptural manner. Readers of A Plain and Scriptural View of Baptism will gain a better understanding of the doctrine of baptism, specifically why the baptism of infants and baptism by modes other than immersion are in accord with God’s word.


  • Hardcover


  • Single
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