Presbyterianism: Its History, Doctrine, Government, and Worship

Miller, Samuel

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Publisher's Description

Samuel Miller, the first professor of Ecclesiastical History and Church Government at Princeton Theological Seminary and a prolific author, published this introduction and defense of Presbyterianism in 1835. Originally titled Presbyterianism: The Truly Primitive and Apostolical Constitution of the Church of Christ, Miller covers the basics of Presbyterian belief and practice, grounding his material in the Scriptures primarily and church history secondarily. Dr. Harrison Perkins (PhD, Queen’s University Belfast) has annotated Miller’s work and tracked down his sources, and the Rev. Mr. Allen Stanton, pastor of Pinehaven Presbyterian Church in Clinton, Mississippi, has supplied a historical introduction of Miller and this book. With these additions to Miller’s rich substance, this work is a wonderful primer on the foundations of our tradition in all of its Scriptural and historical richness.

  • Cover Type
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  • Publisher
    Log College Press
  • Publication Date
    February 2020

Endorsements (3)

Presbyterianism: Its History, Doctrine, Government, and Worship - Miller, Samuel - 9781948102278
Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary

Presbyterianism: Its History, Doctrine, Government, and Worship

$14.98 $14.99

Publisher's Description

Samuel Miller, the first professor of Ecclesiastical History and Church Government at Princeton Theological Seminary and a prolific author, published this introduction and defense of Presbyterianism in 1835. Originally titled Presbyterianism: The Truly Primitive and Apostolical Constitution of the Church of Christ, Miller covers the basics of Presbyterian belief and practice, grounding his material in the Scriptures primarily and church history secondarily. Dr. Harrison Perkins (PhD, Queen’s University Belfast) has annotated Miller’s work and tracked down his sources, and the Rev. Mr. Allen Stanton, pastor of Pinehaven Presbyterian Church in Clinton, Mississippi, has supplied a historical introduction of Miller and this book. With these additions to Miller’s rich substance, this work is a wonderful primer on the foundations of our tradition in all of its Scriptural and historical richness.


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