Song of Solomon: An Invitation to Intimacy (Preaching the Word)
O'Donnell, Douglas
Our culture holds the megaphone when it comes to talking about sex today. Yet the church has maintained a reputation for keeping quiet, hesitant to teach people about this sacred aspect of life. The Song of Solomon, however, holds nothing back as it sings loudly about the holy practice of sexuality and pushes us into the conversation with godly theology.
While this biblical text has been subject to a broader range of interpretation probably than any other book in the Bible, Wisdom Literature expert Doug O'Donnell offers this comprehensible guide to help uncoil its complexities and solve its riddles. He explores the poetry, themes, and wisdom of this song from a Christocentric perspective, and gives us a profound, rich, and witty reflection that encourages right thinking and behavior.
Showing how this "song of songs" is meant to teach us about biblical sexuality and God's heart for his people, O'Donnell elucidates on the greatest subject of all time—love.

Song of Solomon: An Invitation to Intimacy (Preaching the Word)
Cover TypeHardcover
Page Count192
PublisherCrossway/Good News Publishers
Publication DateNovember 2012
Books of the BibleSong of Songs
Endorsements (17)
“Im delighted to endorse the philosophy behind this series. Here sounds out the voice not of the scholar in the study but of the scholar in the pulpit. The authors are all able teachers who regularly expound Gods living Word to his people. May this rich material give us patterns of preaching that will not only feed the flock, but, by Gods grace, change the church.”
See AllR. C. Lucas
Retired Rector, St. Helen's Church, Bishopsgate, London, England
“The Preaching the Word commentary series is one of my favorites. The focus upon explaining a text while preaching it as the goal makes the series resonate with the priorities of the pulpit. No academic aloofness here, but down-to-earth, preacher-to-preacher meat for Gods people.”
See AllBryan Chapell
President, Covenant Theological Seminary
“For this outstanding series of expository commentaries, Kent Hughes has assembled a team of unusually gifted scholar-preachers. The series will be widely used and much sought after.”
See AllEric J. Alexander
Retired Senior Minister, St. George's-Tron Parish Church, Glasgow, Scotland
“It is a pleasure to commend this series of homiletical commentaries. They fill an enormous vacuum that exists between the practical needs of the pastor/teacher and the critical exegetical depth of most commentaries. With this series, evangelicalism may now claim its own William Barclay. While remaining true to the text and its original meaning, Dr. Hughes helps us face the personal, ethical, theological, and practical questions that the text wants us to answer in the presence of the living God and his illuminating Holy Spirit.”
See AllWalter C. Kaiser
Jr., President Emeritus and Distinguished Professor of Old Testament and Ethics, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary
“The single best resource for faithful biblical exposition available today. A great boon for genuine reformation!”
See AllTimothy George
Founding Dean, Beeson Divinity School; Chairman of the Board, Colson Center for Christian Worldview
“Throughout the Christian centuries, from Chrysostom and Augustine through Luther, Calvin, and Matthew Henry, to Martyn Lloyd-Jones and Ray Stedman, working pastors have been proving themselves to be the best of all Bible expositors. Kent Hughes stands in this great tradition, and his exciting expositions uphold it worthily.”
See AllJ. I. Packer
Board of Governors' Professor of Theology, Regent College; author, Knowing God
“There is a long history of informed, edifying biblical expositions that have been mightily used of God to shape and strengthen the church. These volumes admirably fit this tradition.”
See AllD. A. Carson
Research Professor of New Testament, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
Douglas ODonnell has a special gift in integrating careful exegesis, poetic sensitivity, theological reflection, and relevant application, all seasoned with vivid language and winsome humor. His commentary on the Song of Solomon opens up the richness of this delightful book, which unfortunately is too little preached and too little understood today.
See AllDaniel J. Estes
Distinguished Professor of Old Testament, Cedarville University
How absolutely refreshing, challenging, and affirming is Pastor ODonnells in-depth study of this love songthis Middle Eastern, centuries-old, wedding song celebrating the truly free love between a man and a woman in marriage. It is Gods provision to sustain loving marriages and renew loveless ones. This Song was written to give wisdom to the unmarried to wait and to give the married the wisdom to warm up to each other again and again. Pastor ODonnell lays down his own soul and writes in places, not only expositorily but also experientially, and the reader gasps. Here is a man who is as tender and as bold as the author of the Song of Songs. So with testimony and Biblical insight we are wonderfully led to the gospel, to God-breathed love that changes everything.
See AllWendell Hawley
Pastor emeritus, College Church, Wheaton, IL; author, A Pastor Prays for His People
Simply brilliant! This is the book on the Song of Solomon Ive been waiting forfunny, moving, powerful, provocative, rigorously faithful to the text, and utterly Christ-centered. Doug ODonnell explains and applies this trickiest of books in a way which is always fresh, responsible, and captivating. As you read, you will be delighted and deeply challenged, and you will gasp at the incredible intimacy which God gives to his people, both in marriage and in knowing him forever. I know of no more helpful work on the Song of Solomon.
See AllJ. Gary Millar
Principal, Queensland Theological College; author, Now Choose Life
Doug ODonnell unfolds the Song of Solomon with personal and pastoral delightand with attention to the poetic text and the biblical context. Into his exposition are woven warm-hearted exhortations, rich literary allusions, and a great deal of wit. This volume helps us celebrate the Bibles celebration of married love.
See AllKathleen B. Nielson
Director of Womens Initiatives, The Gospel Coalition
Our culture treats sex as an idol and the church often treats it as a taboo, rarely talking about it. This situation is a formula for disaster. We need more preaching and teaching in our churches, and the Song of Songs is an essential biblical resource that God has given us to lead us toward a godly theology and holy practice of sexuality. Doug ODonnell has given us a profound, rich, and witty reflection on the Song that will encourage depth of understanding and motivation for right thinking and behavior. I recommend this book enthusiastically for everyone, but particularly on those who preach and teach the book in a church context.
See AllTremper Longman
Robert H. Gundry Professor of Biblical Studies, Westmont College
It is a rare commentary that stirs the emotions. But then it makes sense that a commentary that ably presents the Song of Solomon would lead the reader not only to think deeply, but also to feel deeply and to worship whole-heartedly. ODonnells insights are fresh, clear, and personal, equipping readers to communicate the love of Christ for his bride from this ancient book in a compelling way.
See AllNancy Guthrie
Bible Teacher; author, Seeing Jesus in the Old Testament Bible study series
These days the Song of Solomon is often treated on the one hand as merely a manual of practical teaching about sex and relationships that says nothing about Christ or, on the other hand, as a picture of the relationship between Christ and the church that says nothing to the marriages of ordinary men and women. Doug ODonnell has given us a masterful exposition that unfolds the books very real wisdom for human relationships in a way that constantly and without allegory points us to the gospel. Highly recommended!
See AllIain M. Duguid
Professor of Old Testament, Grove City College; author, Numbers (Preaching the Word Commentary Series)
Song of Solomon is a delicate portion of Scripture, and Christians in our sex-crazed culture desperately need a biblical perspective on love and intimacy. Doug ODonnell is a thoughtful, knowledgeable, reliable guide to this seldom-preached book. ODonnell is himself a poet and scholar, sensitive to both the art and academic rigors of Solomons Song. He hits the mark of being exegetically accurate, thoroughly canonical, and boldly Christological.
See AllJames Johnston
Senior Pastor, Tulsa Bible Church, Tulsa, OK
The wisest man this side of the incarnate Christ, inspired by the Holy Spirit, on a topic that always grabs attention, in poetry, in the Biblecould it get any better than the Song of Songs? You won't want to miss Doug ODonnells exposition of the most sublime song.
See AllJames M. Hamilton Jr.
Associate Professor of Biblical Theology, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary; author, Gods Glory in Salvation through Judgment
Doug ODonnell is becoming one of the most edifying pastors of our time. I heartily recommend this wise and winsome set of comments on a biblical book beloved by many Christians through the ages but sorely neglected in the present. May God use this commentary to renew the courage of pastors in preaching the Song of Solomon once again.
See AllDouglas A. Sweeney
Professor of Church History, Director of the Jonathan Edwards Center, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
About the Author
Kent Hughes was in pastoral ministry for 41 years, the last 27 as senior pastor of College Church in Wheaton. He earned his BA from Whittier College (history), an MDiv from Talbot Seminary and a DMin from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. He and his wife, Barbara, have four children and 21 grandchildren. He retired from his pulpit ministry at College Church and was given the title Senior Pastor Emeritus in December 2006. He continues to be involved in training pastors biblical exposition and preaching.