Fall 2017

      Textbook Notice: Please, always first consult your syllabus to verify which books are required by the professor for the particular course. At the Bookstore, we try to provide all books that require 50 or more pages of reading. In the event we decide not to carry the title or cannot obtain the title, then we will try to provide a convenient link to either a place where it can be purchased. We also try to provide recommended resources of those titles which we have stock.

      How Jesus Runs the Church
      How Jesus Runs the Church

      Waters, Guy Prentiss

      $13.74 24% OFF

      Redeeming Science: God-Centered Approach
      Redeeming Science: God-Centered Approach

      Poythress, Vern S.

      $21.82 27% OFF

      Coming of the Kingdom
      Coming of the Kingdom

      Ridderbos, Herman N.

      $25.19 24% OFF

      Imputation of Adam's Sin
      Imputation of Adam's Sin

      Murray, John

      $9.16 24% OFF

      World History of Christianity
      World History of Christianity

      Hastings, Adrian

      $44.01 15% OFF

      Exegetical Fallacies
      Exegetical Fallacies

      Carson, D. A.

      $17.45 13% OFF

      What Is Biblical Preaching? (Basics of the Faith)
      What Is Biblical Preaching? (Basics of the Faith)

      Alexander, Eric J.

      $3.81 24% OFF

      Reformed Dogmatics, Vol. 2: God and Creation
      Reformed Dogmatics, Vol. 2: God and Creation

      Bavinck, Herman

      $56.72 13% OFF

      Golden Booklet of the True Christian Life
      Golden Booklet of the True Christian Life

      Calvin, John

      $9.59 13% OFF

      Introduction to the New Testament (2nd ed.)
      Introduction to the New Testament (2nd ed.)

      Carson, D. A.; Moo, Douglas

      $36.36 27% OFF