Acts (EP Study Commentary)

Prentiss Waters, Guy

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Guy Waters's Study Commentary on the Acts of the Apostles is exegetically and theologically sound, cogently reasoned and clearly written. I highly recommend this commentary to pastors and teachers preparing to preach and teach Acts, and to anyone interested in a readable exposition of Luke's unique account of the risen Lord Jesus' words and deeds through his chosen witnesses. Dennis E. Johnson Ph.D., Professor of Practical Theology, Westminster Seminary California

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  • ISBN
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  • Publisher
    Evangelical Press
  • Publication Date
    February 2015
  • Books of the Bible

About the Author

Guy Prentiss Waters (PhD, Duke University) is the James M. Baird Jr. Professor of New Testament at Reformed Theological Seminary, and was formerly an associate professor of biblical studies at Belhaven University in Jackson, Mississippi. Guy and his wife, Sarah, have three children.

Acts (EP Study Commentary) - Prentiss Waters, Guy - 9781783970032

Acts (EP Study Commentary)

$40.49 $44.99
Guy Waters's Study Commentary on the Acts of the Apostles is exegetically and theologically sound, cogently reasoned and clearly written. I highly recommend this commentary to pastors and teachers preparing to preach and teach Acts, and to anyone interested in a readable exposition of Luke's unique account of the risen Lord Jesus' words and deeds through his chosen witnesses. Dennis E. Johnson Ph.D., Professor of Practical Theology, Westminster Seminary California


  • Paperback


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