Both/And Ministry: Living and Leading Like Jesus

Millar, Gary

$13.08 $15.99
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Gospel workers are called to be both/and people:

  • both patient and urgent,
  • both confident and humble,
  • both dependent on God and committed to hard work,
  • both theologically driven and practically wise, and more.

Often, these requirements feel as though they're in tension. But this book shows that rather than leaning one way or the other, or seeking to strike a balance, authentic gospel ministry is found in pursuing both/and. To settle for less puts ourselves and our churches in danger.

Gary Millar has been involved in training hundreds of gospel workers at Queensland Theological College. Pointing to Christ as our supreme example, he helps readers to reflect on and refine their own ministry practice in a range of different areas--while also enjoying God's grace where they fall short.

As you look at all things through the lens of the gospel, you'll increasingly become the fully-formed follower of Jesus and servant of his church that you have been called to be.

Ideal for church staff and lay leaders, students preparing for ministry, and ministry apprentices and interns, as well as for any Christian who is heavily involved in their local church.

  • Cover Type
  • ISBN
  • Page Count
  • Publisher
    Good Book Co
  • Publication Date
    December 2024

About the Author

Gary Millar is the Principal of Queensland Theological College in Brisbane, Australia. He teaches Old Testament, Biblical Theology, and Preaching. Before taking up the post as Principal, he was a pastor for 17 years in both Ireland and Northern Ireland. He is married to Fiona, and they have 3 children.
Both/And Ministry: Living and Leading Like Jesus - Millar, Gary - 9781802541267
Good Book Company

Both/And Ministry: Living and Leading Like Jesus

$13.08 $15.99

Gospel workers are called to be both/and people:

Often, these requirements feel as though they're in tension. But this book shows that rather than leaning one way or the other, or seeking to strike a balance, authentic gospel ministry is found in pursuing both/and. To settle for less puts ourselves and our churches in danger.

Gary Millar has been involved in training hundreds of gospel workers at Queensland Theological College. Pointing to Christ as our supreme example, he helps readers to reflect on and refine their own ministry practice in a range of different areas--while also enjoying God's grace where they fall short.

As you look at all things through the lens of the gospel, you'll increasingly become the fully-formed follower of Jesus and servant of his church that you have been called to be.

Ideal for church staff and lay leaders, students preparing for ministry, and ministry apprentices and interns, as well as for any Christian who is heavily involved in their local church.


  • Paperback


  • Single
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