Calvinism in the Las Vegas Airport: Making Connections in Today's World
Mouw, Richard J.
Publisher's Description
Does Calvinism Have Anything to Do with the 21st Century? What do you think about Calvinism? Do you view it positively or negatively? Or has its day passed?
Let’s face it, many non-Calvinists hold a less-than-positive view, sometimes due to caricatures. This friendly, conversational book helps clear up some misconceptions and distorted views. If you’re not a Calvinist, here is an engaging inside look. And if you are a Calvinist, Richard Mouw shows how to live gently and respectfully with others—Christians and non-Christians—who hold different perspectives.
Calvinism in the Las Vegas Airport focuses not on what Calvinists believe but on how they live. From a movie scene to the author’s personal experiences in Las Vegas, you are invited to travel with Mouw and see the Reformed faith in a new light. Yes, it still does travel well!
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