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Defending the Faith: J. Gresham Machen and the Crisis of Conservative Protestant

Hart, D.G.

$16.79 $21.99
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A perspective shaping study of an unconventional man and his times. As religion grew detached from affluence and influence in the United States, J. Gresham Machen found common ground with secular voices in rallying against the liberalization of the Protestant church. Going beyond biography, this valuable and rewarding work redefines our understanding of early twentieth century religion, science and modernism.

Publisher's Description

A study of Machen’s thought and career that says much about the issues that unsettled mainstream Protestantism’s hold on American intellectual and cultural life.

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    P&R Publishing Company
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About the Author

D. G. Hart lives in Michigan with his wife, Ann, and their two cats, Isabelle and Cordelia, where he teaches history at Hillsdale College. Hart used to be an East-Coast snob (though he still roots for the Phillies) but while living in a small mid-western town he has learned that life exists outside the Northeast Corridor. He is currently completing a global history of Calvinism and plans to write books on H. L. Mencken and American religion, and on Roman Catholicism and American conservatism.

P and R Publishing Company

Defending the Faith: J. Gresham Machen and the Crisis of Conservative Protestant

From $16.79 $21.99

Publisher's Description

A study of Machen’s thought and career that says much about the issues that unsettled mainstream Protestantism’s hold on American intellectual and cultural life.


  • Paperback


  • Single
  • Imperfect
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