Esther: God Fulfills a Promise (Bringing the Bible to Life)
Jobes, Karen H. & Janet Nygren
Publisher's Description
A series of Bible study guides following the format and content of the NIV Application Commentary Series. Each study looks at the original meaning, bridging contexts, and contemporary significance of the text, and offers small group participants a better understanding and relevant application of the biblical material to their daily lives.
112 pages
Published August 2008
About the Author
- Janet Nygren is currently the Women's Ministry Coordinator for the Princeton Presbyterian Church (PCA) in Princeton, NJ.
- Karen H. Jobes is the Gerald F. Hawthorne Professor of New Testament Greek and Exegesis at Wheaton College. She is the author of The Alpha-Text of Esther: Its Character and Relationship to the Masoretic Text.
Cover Type
Page Count
Publication Date
Books of the Bible