God of Creation - Bible Study Book Revised: A Study of Genesis 1-11

Wilkin, Jen

$22.24 $22.25
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The opening lines and chapters of Genesis teach us fundamental truths about God. We watch Him bring light after darkness, order after chaos, and rest after toil--all through the power of His Word.

Over 10 sessions of verse-by-verse study, dive into the first 11 chapters of Genesis by following three critical stages of understanding: comprehension, interpretation, and application. Teaching videos are key in understanding this study. Revisit familiar stories and historical figures, challenge your basic knowledge, and discover deeper meanings in the text. As God reveals Himself through Scripture, we can only begin to understand ourselves when we first glimpse the character, attributes, and promises of our Creator.

Additional purchase or renting of the video teaching sessions is recommended for the best experience of this Bible study book.

  • Personal study segments with homework to complete between 10 weeks of group sessions
  • Leader helps to guide questions and discussions within small groups
  • Essential teaching videos (30 to 35 minutes per session) that build upon and tie together the personal study, available for purchase or rent
  • Verse-by-verse study for comprehension, interpretation, and application
  • Discover what the Bible says about God, His character, and attributes.
  • Learn to love God with your mind as well as your heart through intentional study.
  • Challenge your basic understanding of familiar stories through three critical stages of understanding: comprehension, interpretation, and application.
  • Gain knowledge of yourself by first understanding God as He has revealed Himself through Scripture.

  • Cover Type
  • ISBN
  • Publisher
    Lifeway Church Resources
  • Publication Date
    January 2021
  • Books of the Bible
God of Creation - Bible Study Book Revised: A Study of Genesis 1-11 - Wilkin, Jen - 9781087741659
Broadman and Holman Publishers

God of Creation - Bible Study Book Revised: A Study of Genesis 1-11

$22.24 $22.25
The opening lines and chapters of Genesis teach us fundamental truths about God. We watch Him bring light after darkness, order after chaos, and rest after toil--all through the power of His Word.

Over 10 sessions of verse-by-verse study, dive into the first 11 chapters of Genesis by following three critical stages of understanding: comprehension, interpretation, and application. Teaching videos are key in understanding this study. Revisit familiar stories and historical figures, challenge your basic knowledge, and discover deeper meanings in the text. As God reveals Himself through Scripture, we can only begin to understand ourselves when we first glimpse the character, attributes, and promises of our Creator.

Additional purchase or renting of the video teaching sessions is recommended for the best experience of this Bible study book.

Features: Benefits:


  • Paperback


  • Single
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