Messiah, Governor of the Nations of the Earth

Alexander McLeod

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In this work Alexander McLeod argues that the Scriptures teach the Lordship of Jesus Christ as mediatorial King over all the nations, and that every civil ruler ought to acknowledge His universal reign and rule. He sets forth this doctrine and answers objections to it with skill and a heart devoted to exalting Christ as Lord of all. A Foreword by Mr. Andrew Myers introduces McLeod to the reader.

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  • Publisher
    Log College Press
  • Publication Date
    November 2019

About the Author

Alexander McLeod (1774-1833) was born on the Isle of Mull, Scotland, but went on to become a leader of Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America (RPCNA). His pastoral ministry, where he served at both Coldenham, New York, and in New York City, lasted from 1801 until his death, which was mourned by many. He was instrumental in confirming the RPCNA's early institutional opposition to slavery. McLeod also contributed to the founding of the Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary, among many other endeavors on behalf of both the kingdom of God and the common good, which have had a lasting influence that endures today.

Messiah, Governor of the Nations of the Earth - Alexander McLeod - 9781948102308
Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary

Messiah, Governor of the Nations of the Earth

$4.98 $4.99

In this work Alexander McLeod argues that the Scriptures teach the Lordship of Jesus Christ as mediatorial King over all the nations, and that every civil ruler ought to acknowledge His universal reign and rule. He sets forth this doctrine and answers objections to it with skill and a heart devoted to exalting Christ as Lord of all. A Foreword by Mr. Andrew Myers introduces McLeod to the reader.


  • Paperback


  • Single
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