Thoughts on Preaching: Classic Contributions to Homiletics
Alexander, James W
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Of all the books that the publisher has read on the subject of preaching, there is none that has meant more than this one. It is much to be regretted that it has been out of print, and it is an honor to be able to bring it back once again with enlarged print for easier reading. "Dr. J.W. Alexander's 'Thoughts on Preaching' is the best daily devotional on preaching ever written. To read a section or two of his poignant and savory thoughts contained in 'Homiletical Paragraphs' every day would greatly instruct, convict, encourage, and re-energize any true minister of the gospel. And his 'Letters to Young Ministers' is a masterpiece in itself; particularly the sections on maintaining devotion and happiness in the ministry." - Dr. Joel R. Beeke
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