Westminster Seminary Press Set (15-Volume Set)


$307.93 $615.85
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WSP is a uniquely Reformed academic publisher dedicated to enriching the church, the academy, and the Christian through the printed word. WSP collaborates widely - including with faculty, staff, and students at Westminster - to publish new and classic books that foster faith in and obedience to Jesus Christ from an orthodox, Reformed perspective.


Titles Included in This Set

The Future of Reformed Apologetics
by Oliphint, K. Scott (editor)
Redemption Accomplished and Applied
by Murray, John
Word and Spirit
by Gaffin, Jr., Richard B.
Christianity & Liberalism
by Machen, J Gresham
Reformed Standards of Unity
by Lillback, Peter A; Aubert, Bernard (editors)
A Christian Theory of Knowledge
by Van Til, Cornelius
The Church Between Temple and Mosque
by Bavinck, J.H
The Epistle to the Romans
by Murray, John
The Pastor and the Modern World
by Edgar, William; Hughes, R. Kent; Poirier, Alfred
Justification and Regeneration
by Witherspoon, John
I Will Build My Church
by Witherow, Thomas
Faith in the Time of Plague
by Coleman, Stephen M. and Todd M. Rester
Things Unseen
by Machen, Gresham J.
The Wonderful Works of God
by Bavinck, Herman
O Death, Where is Thy Sting?
by Murray, John

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    Westminster Seminary Press
Westminster Seminary Press

Westminster Seminary Press Set (15-Volume Set)

$307.93 $615.85

WSP is a uniquely Reformed academic publisher dedicated to enriching the church, the academy, and the Christian through the printed word. WSP collaborates widely - including with faculty, staff, and students at Westminster - to publish new and classic books that foster faith in and obedience to Jesus Christ from an orthodox, Reformed perspective.


Titles Included in This Set

The Future of Reformed Apologetics
by Oliphint, K. Scott (editor)
Redemption Accomplished and Applied
by Murray, John
Word and Spirit
by Gaffin, Jr., Richard B.
Christianity & Liberalism
by Machen, J Gresham
Reformed Standards of Unity
by Lillback, Peter A; Aubert, Bernard (editors)
A Christian Theory of Knowledge
by Van Til, Cornelius
The Church Between Temple and Mosque
by Bavinck, J.H
The Epistle to the Romans
by Murray, John
The Pastor and the Modern World
by Edgar, William; Hughes, R. Kent; Poirier, Alfred
Justification and Regeneration
by Witherspoon, John
I Will Build My Church
by Witherow, Thomas
Faith in the Time of Plague
by Coleman, Stephen M. and Todd M. Rester
Things Unseen
by Machen, Gresham J.
The Wonderful Works of God
by Bavinck, Herman
O Death, Where is Thy Sting?
by Murray, John


  • Hardcover


  • Single
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