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With One Voice: Singleness, Dating, and Marriage to the Glory of God

Chediak, Alex

$10.46 $11.99
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Is it more important to find that certain someone, or to become that certain someone? Cut through the cultural noise that surrounds singleness, dating and marriage and establish a biblical framework for relationships and identity in Christ. The Chediaks encourage readers toward godly lives regardless of their “relationship status.” An excellent resource for parents, pastors and counselors.

Christians are fighting against a conflicting cultural ethos; reducing the beauty of God-invented sexuality to just another entertainment option. However, lifelong marriage, though less common today, is still God's plan for most people... and isn't God's plan the best plan? Alex and Marni Chediak from their experience of singles and college ministry, multi-generational small group ministry, offer wise guidance in how we should go about choosing a partner. They seek to glorify God with one voice, sharing the life goal of being marked mainly as those who love God.

  • Cover Type
  • ISBN
  • Page Count
  • Publisher
    Christian Focus
  • Publication Date
    May 2006

Endorsements (4)

About the Author

Alex Chediak is now a professor of engineering and physics at California Baptist University, Riverside, California. Marni, his wife has had a career in management with Fortune 500 companies while ministering through Bible Study Fellowship and teaching Sunday school. Alex and Marni have three children, Karis, Jonathan, and Abigail.

With One Voice: Singleness, Dating, and Marriage to the Glory of God Chediak, Alex cover image
Christian Focus [Bookmasters]

With One Voice: Singleness, Dating, and Marriage to the Glory of God

$10.46 $11.99

Christians are fighting against a conflicting cultural ethos; reducing the beauty of God-invented sexuality to just another entertainment option. However, lifelong marriage, though less common today, is still God's plan for most people... and isn't God's plan the best plan? Alex and Marni Chediak from their experience of singles and college ministry, multi-generational small group ministry, offer wise guidance in how we should go about choosing a partner. They seek to glorify God with one voice, sharing the life goal of being marked mainly as those who love God.


  • Paperback


  • Single
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