Word to the World: The Collected Writings of William Barker

Barker, William S.

$17.45 $19.99
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The modern church is suffering from crises in identity, belief and involvement with the State. As you read this collection of the works of William Barker you will find that they are all connected.

The reason why the church has problems interacting with government is because it doesn't understand its mission, history and authority. Barker, an internationally respected Professor of Church History, shows what the church should look for in creating proper relationships with governments, other faiths and society in general. He also explains how we should deal with divisions inside the church and what role the Bible should play in defining its faith.

  • Cover Type
  • ISBN
  • Page Count
  • Publisher
    Christian Focus
  • Publication Date
    November 2005

Endorsements (2)

Word to the World: The Collected Writings of William Barker cover image
Appalachian Distributors

Word to the World: The Collected Writings of William Barker

From $17.45 $19.99

The modern church is suffering from crises in identity, belief and involvement with the State. As you read this collection of the works of William Barker you will find that they are all connected.

The reason why the church has problems interacting with government is because it doesn't understand its mission, history and authority. Barker, an internationally respected Professor of Church History, shows what the church should look for in creating proper relationships with governments, other faiths and society in general. He also explains how we should deal with divisions inside the church and what role the Bible should play in defining its faith.


  • Paperback


  • Single
  • Imperfect
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