5 Reasons to Teach Kids Biblical Theology

5 Reasons to Teach Kids Biblical Theology

March 10, 2023

Biblical Theology can be a pretty scary term. It sounds a bit like another field of study reserved for the guys in the pulpit or the ones teaching at our seminary halls, but it’s much more than that. It's important in the discipleship of our children.

What is Biblical Theology?

Reformed theologian Geerhardus Vos defines it this way: “Biblical Theology is that branch of Exegetical Theology which deals with the process of the self-revelation of God deposited in the Bible.”(1)

But . . . what does that mean? Focus on that word process.

Biblical theology tells the story of God’s redemption throughout history, tracing themes that run from Genesis to Revelation. Most often, this is described in the overarching timeline of creation, fall, redemption, and consummation (or restoration).

Leading children to read the Bible through a lens of Biblical Theology (or a redemptive-historical perspective) is important. It’s primarily important because it’s the way God reveals himself in Scripture, but there are also some other reasons worth noting.

5 Reasons to Teach Kids Biblical Theology:

1. It gives them God-centered perspective.

The Bible isn’t me-centered; it’s Christ-centered. When we read the Bible, we need to know that it’s speaking firstly about God, his character, and his plan. For example, while the story of David may show children how to be brave or how to follow God, the bigger picture shows how God is faithful to preserve his people and how he offers himself as a perfect King.

2. It gives them a firm foundation.

The Bible isn’t just a compilation of stories or laws; it’s a larger story of God at work. This truth helps them understand that God has been at work in the world, is at work in their lives, and will continue to work out his perfect plan. From that vantage point, the past has purpose and the future has hope.

3. It gives them a forever family.

The Bible shows us that while other communities, friends, or family may feel fractured and may leave, the people of God will dwell together forever in love and unity. “God saves not just individuals, but a people, and . . . being a Christian means living together with other Christians, for they are our true family, body, and nation.”(2)

4. It gives them a vocabulary of faith.

If the whole Bible is about Christ and is for his people, then the whole of Scripture is at our disposal for worship. We can help children learn the Psalms to pray or sing to the Lord. We can show them how all of the Bible verses they learn to direct their eyes to Christ.

5. It shows them that God cares the most about their hearts, not their good behavior.

As Nancy Guthrie writes, “Biblical theology serves to show us the beauty, the necessity, and the sufficiency of being joined to Christ by faith—not as an add-on evangelistic appeal, but organically from whatever text we’re in. Just trying to follow [Jesus’s] example won’t suffice. We need something far more miraculous.”(3)

Books that Help Teach Biblical Theology to Kids

Here are some books that we carry that teach kids Biblical Theology:

Who Is Jesus?

The True King

30 Prophecies: One Story

The Story of God With Us

The Story of God Our King

The Jesus Storybook Bible

The Boy From the House of Bread

Biblical Theology Study Bible

Remley Gorsuch
Remley is a pastor’s wife and mother of two who grew up on the plains of Texas, the city streets of Seoul, and the mountains of Montana. She is the Westminster Kids Manager, helping curate the books and blog on the Westminster Kids site. She grew up reading biographies and fiction under the covers with a booklight after getting tucked into bed and currently loves to read The Wingfeather Saga, Christian Biographies for Young Readers, or books from the Tales That Tell the Truth series to her kids.

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