We Need Liturgies for Daily Life

We Need Liturgies for Daily Life

April 21, 2023

The apps on our smartphones, packed with messages and notifications about meetings, practices, church activities, and clubs, testify every moment to the frenetic pace of our modern lives. Even though I know that God cares about and sees when I sit down and when I rise up (Ps. 139:2); even though I know that every moment is infused with meaning and purpose; more often than I’d like to admit, days flash by without much thought about what I’m doing or why.

The daily liturgies in Every Moment Holy apply Scripture’s command to pray without ceasing, and remind us of the weight of these moments. Whether I’m reading one to myself in a rare quiet moment, or using them as a part of our family worship, I am drawn to see our frantic lives through a gospel lens.

The prayers in Every Moment Holy are arranged into different sections, such as Liturgies of Labor & Vocation, Liturgies of Creation & Recreation, Liturgies of Petition & Provision, and Liturgies of Sorrow & Lament. In each section, are individual prayers like, "For the Preparation of a Hurried Meal" and "For Medical Providers," "Before Consuming Media" and "For the Paying of Bills," "For Missing Someone" and "For the Death of a Dream."

These liturgies are formative, shaping my eyes to see glory in the ordinary things around me, slowing me down to appreciate the blessings of God I’d been too busy to see before. For anyone who craves daily reminders of the weight of glory, I can’t recommend these books highly enough.

Remley Gorsuch
Remley is a pastor’s wife and mother of two who grew up on the plains of Texas, the city streets of Seoul, and the mountains of Montana. She is the Westminster Kids Manager, helping curate the books and blog on the Westminster Kids site. She grew up reading biographies and fiction under the covers with a booklight after getting tucked into bed and currently loves to read The Wingfeather Saga, Christian Biographies for Young Readers, or books from the Tales That Tell the Truth series to her kids.

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