Westminster Kids Digest (February 18)

Westminster Kids Digest (February 18)

We're keeping it brief.

In our biweekly digest, you'll find links to our best content on the Westminster Kids blog and some other resources we've found on the web that are worth checking out.

👋 We're back from our holiday hiatus and have a lot of exciting things to share below. Before jumping into all of our links, we wanted to let you know that Westminster Kids now has its own Instagram account. You can follow us here.

Now on to the links worth the click...

Teaching Moralism vs. Teaching Obedience

"[M]oralism is content with the empty obedience. It says, 'It doesn’t matter what’s going on inside you. Just do the right thing!'" Read more.

Five Books to Help You Give Your Children God’s Word

"Dear parent, God has given you his word, and wherever God's word is, there Jesus is!" Read more.

The Lord of the Rings: Why It’s a Classic

"Tolkien has created another world, not merely a story. And that leaves plenty of room for you and your kids to delve deeper into Middle Earth." Read more.

Forgotten King: A Faithful and Creative Portrayal of Spiritual Realities

"Suffice it to say that this book went into my top ten list for children’s books. It was eloquent, accessible, beautifully illustrated, and—most importantly—engaging for my kids! Sure to become a classic!" Read more.

From Around the Web:

• If you're looking for creative ways to help children memorize Scripture. Seeds Family Worship is one of our favorite resources that set Bible verses to music. They have all the videos of their songs available to watch here.
• Do you (or someone you know) enjoy the Green Ember series? Author S.D. Smith has made some coloring sheets available for free.
• The Gospel Coalition occasionally puts together Spotify and Apple Playlists and this month they have a fun one for kids: Sunday Morning songs for Kids
• A talk we're re-enjoying around here is this one Joel Beeke gave at the Ligonier National Conference, Parenting by God's Promises (31 min).
    The Westminster Kids Team
    The staff at Westminster Kids share a passion for books and children. Each one contributes something special to our mission of equipping the next generation with resources that tether their hearts to the truth.

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